Mo Yin Wa (5E)

I am against leaving school after form 5 to get a job. A form 5 students will be aware of the fact that knowledge learned from books rarely meets the needs and requirements of society.

Young people have to make a choice between further studies or work. We can see that nowadays automation and computerization deprive many workers of their livelihood. I think graduates should acquire more knowledge which can help their work in future. Besides, if graduates learn more, they will have more confidence in jobs.

Moreover, choosing a career is an important decision in life. It is torturing if you engage yourself in a career which is not suitable for you. Then you will be at a loss what to do. Also, graduates will face different types of problems because they have no working experience.

Finally, it is difficult to make a living nowadays. Many workers have been thrown out of employment because of recession. It is difficult for graduates to find a well paid job as they lack working experience. While the fortunate minority can be promoted to form 6, other graduates can further their studies in technical institutes.

Finally, I suggest graduates should not get a job after form 5. They are too young and inexperienced to work. Students should understand themselves and discover their own potential.


CE English (Syllabus A) 2000

Question 2