Chat Time A

Chat Time 10 - Drug Problems



1. What are Henry’s problems?chat
   a. Henry is taking drugs and is doing badly in school. He also seems depressed.
   b. Henry is addicted to drugs and his school performance is getting worse. He feels so depressed recently.

2. What things could Sam do in order to help Henry? chat
   a. Sam could care more about Henry and help him catch up with his schoolwork.
   b. Sam could speak to Henry about the risks of taking drugs. But the most effective way of help would be to seek professional help or find a drug addiction treatment centre for him.

3. Who could help Henry?chat
a. It is best for family members to offer care and support. Counselors could also give him professional advice and help him get rid of the
   b. Henry’s friends and family members could give him care and support, but Henry’s own will power is the most important to fight against the addiction and conquer it.

Individual Response

1. What are the dangers of taking drugs?chat
a. Drug abuse can damage health and even cause death. It can also destroy families and even cause you to end up in
Drug abuse can bring a host of health problems which can seriously damage health. Overdose of drugs can lead to death. Drug abuse can impair one’s ability to work, to engage in meaningful relationships, and to enjoy life.

2. Do you think it is helpful to have former addicts talk to Henry? Why/Why not?chat
a. It’s a good idea to have former addicts talk to Henry because former addicts could understand Henry’s situation better and offer more practical
  b. I guess trained counselors are better because they have more knowledge, skills and resources to help Henry escape drug abuse. Someone who has recovered isn’t automatically an expert.

3. Can you offer some solutions to Henry’s problems?chat
  The support of Henry’s family is of prime importance. His parents should let Henry know that they do not approve of drug use and also the dangers associated with drug abuse. They must persuade Henry to give up drugs and find an organization to help Henry kick the habit.

4. What are some effective ways to teach young students about dangers of drugs?chat
  The best way to keep young students away from using drugs is to let them know about the negative effects of drug abuse. It’s also important to help students build self-esteem. Students who feel good about themselves are much less likely to turn to drugs

5. If you are going to organize a board display about the dangers of drugs, what would you include in it?chat
I would include types of drugs and their dangers, negative effects of drug abuse, drug prevention and treatment. I would also provide information about where to get help for drug addiction. chat



