Chat Time A

Chat Time 13 - Drink-Driving



1. What are the possible results of drink-driving?chat
   a. Offenders need to take a driving re-education course. They may also be imprisoned and fined heavily.
   b. If you are found guilty of drink-driving, you will be arrested and charged accordingly and your licence can be suspended or cancelled.

2. What are the pros and cons of introducing stronger punishments for drink-driving? chat
   a. Stronger punishments would warn drivers to exercise caution in driving and prevent unnecessary accidents. But some people think it is unfair to punish the first offenders heavily.
   b. Stronger punishments would act as a deterrent to reckless drivers and prevent unnecessary accidents. But some people think it is unfair to put drunk drivers in jail when there is no accident and no one is hurt.

3. What can be done to stop drink-driving?chat
a. Since most drunk drivers are young, parents should be more accountable for educating their teenagers about the dangers and consequences of drunk
   b. Media campaigns can help to raise people’s awareness about the dangers of drink-driving and change their attitudes and behaviour about drinking and driving.

Individual Response

1. Do you think people should drive a car if they have had alcohol?chat
a. Surely not. It is irresponsible and will put other road users in
Definitely not. Drivers with high blood alcohol content are at increased risk of car accidents, road injuries and deaths.

2. Do you think the punishments for drunk drivers should be severe?chat
a. Definitely! Severe punishments for drunk drivers have proven effective in reducing the crime of drunken
  b. I think cancelling their licence along with a mandatory jail sentence appears to be effective in reducing drink-driving. But for repeat offenders, they should be treated for alcohol addiction first.

3. Do you think drunk drivers who hit and kill another person should be charged with murder?chat
  It’s unfair to charge that person with murder. Murder is an act that the offender plans for. In the case of drunk drivers, it’s not something they wanted to happen.

4. Should someone who is caught drink-driving be allowed to drive again?chat
  I think the first offenders should be allowed to drive again after they attend a driving re-education course. But there should be a life ban for repeat offenders

5. What advice would you give to someone who has been drinking and is planning to drive home?chat
I would advise him/her to take public transportation for the sake of safety. chat



