Chat Time A

Chat Time 14 - Dieting



1. What are Flora’s reasons for trying to lose weight?chat
   a. Flora wants to look like her favourite pop stars who are slim.
   b. Flora believes that if she loses weight, she will look like her favourite pop stars who are slim.

2. What are the dangers of dieting and eating disorders? chat
   a. Dieting and eating disorders can have many negative effects on health and raise the risk of diseases.
   b. Dieting and eating disorders could have serious health consequences and increase the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

3. What should Flora do to be healthy?chat
a. Flora should stop dieting at once and seek advice from health
   b. To stay healthy, Flora should adopt a healthy lifestyle and change her mentality towards health, nutrition and wellness.

Individual Response

1. How can a student lose weight in a healthy way?chat
a. Students should have a balanced diet with rich vitamins and vegetables. Doing regular exercise can also help them stay
To lose weight effectively, students need to reduce the amount of calories they eat and increase their activity levels by taking regular exercise.

2. What would you do if your friend was getting very thin and sick?chat
a. She may be suffering from a serious eating disorder, so I would tell her to consult a doctor for
  b. I believe my friend is suffering from an eating disorder. There are a variety of treatment options available and I would help her locate the resources.

3. Do you think that young people are too worried about the way they look?chat
  I think it is true that many young people worry too much about the way they look. For example, a lot of girls worry about being too fat and they always go on a diet of some sort. Even people who aren't really fat think they are.

4. Do you think thin celebrities are good role models for young people?chat
  They really shouldn't be. A role model is someone that you aspire to be like. Some young people actually develop eating disorders, depression and other things because of how perfect celebrities may seem

5. Which is more dangerous: over-eating or under-eating?chat
It depends on the severity and duration. In the extreme, neither condition is healthy. chat



