Chat Time A

Chat Time 17 - Cosmetic Surgery



1. Why do people want to have cosmetic surgery?chat
   a. People have cosmetic surgery to look younger and prettier or to change a feature they don't like.
   b. People generally get cosmetic surgery to alter a body part that they are not happy with. They want to look better and feel better about themselves.

2. What are the risks of cosmetic surgery? chat
   a. Cosmetic surgery is risky. It could leave scars that might not be corrected.
   b. Cosmetic surgery carries with it some degree of risk such as infection, bleeding and scarring. It can end up with permanent damage to the patient.

3. Do you think cosmetic surgery is a good idea?chat
a. I feel it’s alright to change something that you are very worried about, but you have to bear the
   b. I don’t feel it is acceptable to change something for a trend. Cosmetic surgery is something against nature and definitely has side effects on the body.

Individual Response

1. What do you think of people who have cosmetic surgery?chat
a. I think they are more concerned about their looks and are often influenced by the media and the
Some people believe that cosmetic surgery will improve their appearance and change their life. But I think it is unnecessary and could be a tragedy.

2. Do you think people should have cosmetic surgery to change their appearance?chat
a. I think people have freedom of expression. If they want to be more good-looking in others' eyes, then they have the right to change
  b. I think people should accept the fact that everyone has imperfections, it’s just part of life. Cosmetic surgery only makes you look superficial and insecure.

3. Do you think the benefits of cosmetic surgery outweigh the risks?chat
  Cosmetic surgery can make you look and feel younger, thinner and prettier. Cosmetic surgery carries with it some degree of risk, but complications are rare. Therefore, the benefits of cosmetic surgery far outweigh the risks.

4. What would you do if you were offered cosmetic surgery?chat
  I would take into consideration all of the dangers of cosmetic surgery. I will make sure that the benefits of surgery outweigh the risks

5.Where does the pressure to look perfect come from?chat
The pressure to look perfect comes from the media which place much emphasis on one’s outer appearance. We are especially faced with this pressure by models on television and in magazines. The pressure to conform to such perfect looks is overwhelming. chat



