Chat Time A

Chat Time 2 - Healthy Food



1. What are the benefits of having a vegetarian meal once a week in school?chat
   a. Students can try healthy foods and learn more about healthy eating.
   b. Students can try a variety of healthy food. They can acquire more knowledge about healthy eating and lead a healthier lifestyle.

2. How would students feel about the proposal?chat
   a. Some students would oppose this proposal because they prefer meat to vegetable.
   b. Most students would welcome the idea of healthy eating in school, but they don’t know whether they really like vegetarian food or not.

3. Are there better ways to promote healthy eating at school?chat
a. The school tuck shop offers only healthy snacks and gets rid of candy and junk
   b. The school can ask parents to pack healthy lunches for their children or include healthy eating as a topic in the school curriculum.

Individual Response

1. Do you like vegetarian food?chat
a. Definitely, vegetarian food is healthy and
For the sake of health, I prefer a low-fat diet with vegetables and no meat. Vegetarian food is always my choice.

2. If your school offered vegetarian food at lunchtime, would you buy it?chat
a. I would buy vegetarian food for my lunch if the food is delicious and the price is
  b. It is a brilliant idea to offer vegetarian food at school. I guess I would buy it every other day for health benefits.

3. Do you think schools should be responsible for promoting healthy eating?chat
   As school teachers serve as role models, they should set good examples of healthy eating. For instance, they should consume fresh fruits and vegetables for their lunch at school. This will send a positive message to students.

4. Do you think more information should be available in schools about the benefits of vegetarian food?chat
   Absolutely! Students should be well informed about the benefits and risks before they take vegetarian food. Students can get the messages from teaching topics, health booklets or exhibitions

5. Why do you think people become vegetarians?chat
People have all kinds of reasons for becoming vegetarians. Some vegetarians are opposed to killing or using animals for food. Others say they want to be healthier and avoid chemicals. Some give up meat for environmental reasons. chat



