Chat Time A

Chat Time 4 - School Theft



1. Why do some students steal other students’ belongings?chat
   a. Some students steal other students’ belongings for fun or out of jealousy.
   b. Some students steal other students’ belongings out of greed or jealousy. Some steal for fun or as a challenge.

2. What are the results of stealing in schools?chat
   a. Students who steal may be suspended or expelled.
   b. Stealing is a serious offence. Students who are caught stealing may be suspended or expelled.

3. What can be done to prevent school thefts?chat
a. To prevent school thefts, students should not bring valuable items to
   b. To prevent school thefts, students should always be conscious of their personal belongings and keep them in safe places.

Individual Response

1. Do most students at your school look after their personal items properly?chat
a. Most students at my school look after their personal items properly. They keep them in their
Most students keep a watchful eye on their belongings. They think it’s their responsibility to take good care of their belongings.

2. Do you think stealing is a serious problem at your school?chat
a. Stealing is never a problem at my school because my schoolmates behave
  b. There have been reports of stealing in our school but they involve just a few students. The majority of students are well behaved.

3. What should the school do with students who are caught stealing?chat
   As stealing is a serious offence, the school should take disciplinary action against the wrongdoers and require them to do something to make up for their bad behaviour.

4. Do you think the police should be told if a student is caught stealing at school?chat
   I think if the offence is not very serious, the school can handle it properly and fairly. Taking the wrongdoer to the police or court may not be the best way to correct the student’s behaviour

5. Who do you think should teach young people about what is right and wrong: families, schools or someone else?chat
I believe that teachers should play a more active role in the moral development of students. It is because teachers often act as students’ role models. Their words highly influence the minds of the students. In that respect a teacher has a much more role than just importing some knowledge to students. chat



