Chat Time B

Chat Time 28 - Family violence



1. What  can one do to prevent family violence?chat
   The best ways to prevent family violence is through education. We should learn how to manage our anger and resolve conflict in order to decrease the tendency to violent behaviour.

2. How can we help if we find our friends or neighbours victims of family violence?chat
   First listen patiently and let them vent their feelings and fears. Then offer advice or suggest solutions. Finally, help them find support services such as shelters, social services or support groups.

3. What can family members do to build a harmonious family?chat
To build a harmonious family, mutual respect, care and understanding will be needed. An effective communication will help to do this and reduce conflict. Sharing housework or spending more time together can strengthen the relationship and promote a harmonious

Individual Response

1. Do you have a good relationship with your family?chat
Certainly. My family always stand by me in every decision I make, and help me through hard times. We support and care for each other. When there is conflict between family members, we resolve it in a positive and healthy

2. What makes a happy family?chat
Happy families have certain common features. Good communication, strong bonds between family members, quality time spent together, regular mealtimes and sharing activities are things which keep a family happy.  chat

3. What do you think are the factors that make an unhappy family?chat
  There are many key factors that make an unhappy family. Lack of mutual respect, negative forms of communication and the use of physical punishment as the main form of discipline make a family unhappy. Economic problem and poor living conditions are also important factors.

4. How does living in an unhappy family affect a person?chat
  An unhappy family atmosphere can affect a person’s self-esteem and lead to depression.  Conflict within the family, divorce or separation can lead to feelings of insecurity, guilt, anger or a sense of loss. Poverty, abuse and violence within the family also affect a person negatively.

5. Do you think the family violence problem is serious in Hong Kong?chat
Obviously, there has been a sharp increase in reports of domestic violence in Hong Kong. Cases of spouse abuse, child abuse and elder abuse are on the increase. Pressure in life causes family arguments and they are often resolved by



