Chat Time B

Chat Time 33 - Better or worse communication?



1. Why have social networking sites become popular?chat
   Social networking is a nice way to meet people, to grow a business and to get information. Social networking sites allow us to reach out to others that have the same interests.

2. Have social networking sites enhanced communication between friends?chat
   When used correctly and effectively, social networking sites can enhance communication between friends. But when they are used incorrectly and abused, they may impair relationships and personal images.

3. What are the alternative ways of keeping in touch with friends?chat
There are so many ways to stay in touch with friends like sending a text, typing an e-mail, dialing a number, chatting online or hanging out with friends face to face. chat

Individual Response

1. Do you use social networking sites?chat
   I often use social networking sites to share photos, play games and post videos. I also go on social networking sites to hunt down old friends that I've lost contact with.  

2. Are social networking sites good or bad for students?chat
Social networking sites allow students to stay in contact with one another and work on plans and projects. The down sides are they are used to avoid personal contact and real interaction. Also misspellings and lack of grammar adversely affect students’ school writings. Worse still, inappropriate statements, pictures and videos could harm students. chat

3. Why do you think social networking sites appeal particularly to teenagers?chat
 Social networking sites provide a way for teens to expand and enhance their connection to those friends. These websites give students the creative freedom to adapt their themes and add media to their sites.

4. What are some of the disadvantages of using social networking sites?chat
  Extensive use of social networking sites can cause addiction to the users and spoil their health. Overuse of social media has reduced face to face communication and meetings. Going social networking can also be a waste of time, making people not do anything useful with their lives.

5. Have social networking sites changed the way you keep in touch with friends?chat
 Social networking sites have transformed the way we stay in touch with friends. Communicating via social networking sites is often easier, faster, and more convenient than other means of keeping in touch with others.



