Chat Time C

Chat Time 45 - The best path?



1. For students with poor academic results, what are the advantages and disadvantages of furthering their studies?chat
   The benefits of furthering their studies are obvious. They can acquire more qualifications so that they can prepare themselves better for work. However, most of these students are unmotivated and it is a waste of time and money to further their studies.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of starting work immediately after secondary school?chat
   Starting work immediately after secondary school can get a head start for a career you pursue and store up funds to pay for future education. But your career path is narrow since you lack experience and qualifications.  

3. What do you plan to do after leaving secondary school?chat
I will pursue my studies at university so that I can equip myself with adequate knowledge and skills to develop my career in future. chat

Individual Response

1. Do you think there are enough education programmes for students to choose in Hong Kong?chat
There is a wide range of choices open to F.6 graduates. There are eight government-funded universities in Hong Kong which offer Associate and Bachelor's degrees. They and other institutions also offer post-secondary diplomas, certificates, and vocational training. chat

2. How important do you think tertiary education is?chat
Tertiary education is the key to a better life. You may have improved career opportunities, receive higher pay, experience greater cultural awareness and have a life with more choices and possibilities. chat

3. What do you think about vocational training programmes?chat
  I personally believe that vocational training is as important as academic teaching in a school. Since some children are not gifted to learn academically, they can benefit from vocational training. The training can improve their job skills and employment outlook.

4. What is the possibility of enrolling on education programmes late?chat
  It’s highly possible to enrol on education programmes later. There is a variety of continuing education and training courses for adults who aspire to learn and improve themselves.

5. Do you think people with good academic results will have a better career than those with bad results?chat
Certainly, people with good academic results are more likely to get well-paid jobs and their promotion prospects are also



