Common Errors

Parellel Structure

Parallel structure means using the same pattern of words to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance. This can happen at the word, phrase, or clause level.

1. In spring, summer, or in winter (Wrong)
2. John likes swimming, singing and to ride a bicycle. (Wrong)
3. John likes to swim, sing and riding a bicycle. (Wrong)
4. The dictionary can be used for these purposes: to find words, meanings, pronunciations, and checking correct spellings. (Wrong)
5. Formerly, science was taught by the textbook methods, while now the laboratory method is employed. (Wrong)

The following are in parallel stucture:
1. In spring, summer, or winter
2. John likes swimming, singing and riding a bicycle.
3. John likes to swim, sing and ride a bicycle.
4. The dictionary can be used for these purposes: to find words, meanings, pronunciations, and correct spellings.
5. Formerly, science was taught by the textbook methods; now it is taught by the the laboratory method.

Correlative expressions (both, and; not only, but also; either, or) should be followed by the same grammatical construction.
6. It was both a long meeting and very boring. (Wrong)
7. It is not a time for words, but action. (Wrong)
8. Either you must grant his request or incur his ill will. (Wrong)

Parallel structures:
6. The meeting was both long and very boring.
7. It is not a time for words, but for action.
8. You must either grant his request or incur his ill will.

9. My income is smaller than my wife. (Wrong)
When making comparisions, we compare like terms.
9. My income is smaller than my wife's. (correct) Or My income is smaller than that of my wife. (correct)
