Parenthood is a beautiful thing

Yim Wai-lam (6C)

It is a tradition to have children after getting married, but not so much and more.

Instead, more and more young couples now choose not to have a baby.

This phenomenon can be explained in several ways.

Quite a huge proportion of Hong Kong women are well educated. It is not uncommon to find that a lot of married women go out to work in order to keep pace with the ever-changing community, as well as earn more to support their families.

It is, however, not an easy task for woman to strike a balance between her job and her family.

So some young couples would rather concentrate on their work than having a baby early.

After getting married, they want to enjoy their own relationship without a crying baby, and young couples may not have the financial ability to support the baby.

Young couples are also too green to be parents and don't want the responsibility.

However, influenced by traditional Chinese concepts, the parents of these couples see it as a must to have children, and as many as they can.

Taking care of a child is a beautiful thing, but in my view, it is the personal choice of the couples. No one can control others’ choices.

If you would like to have children, you must look after them well and educate them, but for me, I think to create a new life is a beautiful and great thing.

Student Standard 11th April 2000

