Mr. Randy Wong, a newly appointed English teacher in our school, is also a master of martial arts.

A hefty person of 1.81 m in height, Mr. Wong is probably the tallest teacher in our school. He has practised martial arts since he was eighteen. He boasted his black belt, second degree in Tae Kwon Do. He encouraged students to join his maiden martial arts class, an extraordinary form of extra-curricular activity.

"Learning martial arts is conducive not only to body health but also to personality moulding," Mr. Wong spoke in an assertive tone. Asked if he was worried that his students would misuse martial arts, he gave a confident smile and said:"The training will be tough and strict discipline must be observed. There's no room for improper behaviour."

Being an energetic person, Mr. Wong likes all kinds of sports, especially badminton. However, he also has his quiet moments when he is totally absorbed in sweet melodies. He likes visiting distant lands, particularly Scotland, where he got his bachelor degree at the University of Stirling. "You will never feel homesick there, it's so lovely and peaceful," said Mr. Wong, lost deep in thought.

He criticized our students for not actively using English in daily life. His advice on how to improve English is: "Read English books and newspapers and watch English TV programmes."

Randy Wong Tze Cheong (December, 1991)
Randy's Poem















