
sexually explicit information露骨的色情資訊
One in eight youths has sent or received nude photos or sexually explicit information over their mobile phones within a month, a survey has found.


at this stage 在這個階段
It would be unwise to comment at this stage of the negotiations.


vie with sb 激烈競爭
Tertiary institutions vie with each other in rolling out courses.


stay calm 保持冷靜
The Hong Kong Monetary Authority said that the counterfeit situation in Hong Kong was not serious and called on the public to stay calm.


underlying cause 根本原因
A lack of educational opportunity is an example of an underlying cause of poverty.


on guard 警惕,提防
Police have urged the public to be on guard against fake Bank of China HK$1,000 banknotes.


spot check抽查
The case came to light after police and Labour Department officers conducted a spot check on the cafe.


with caution 要小心
Police advise young people to make friends on the internet with utmost caution.


low-income families 低收入家庭
The Alliance for Children Development Rights urged the government to provide special extra-curricular allowances for students from low income families.


a chain reaction 連鎖反應
The Court of Final Appeal's ruling on the seven-year residence requirement for CSSA application may cause a chain reaction.


round-the-clock 二十四小時不間斷的
There will initially be up to five channels including an integrated Cantonese channel and a round-the-clock news channel.


harsh conditions 苛刻的條件
The Consumer Council accused ParknShop and Wellcome of imposing harsh conditions on suppliers in order to manipulate prices.


ban on idling engines 停車熄匙禁令
Legislators questioned the effectiveness of the ban on idling engines.


deny sb sth 不允許
The Court of Final Appeal has declared it unconstitutional to deny social security to new immigrants.


reduce waste at source 源頭減廢       
Many voiced opposition to the plan and asked why more was not being done to reduce waste at source.


onset of 開始
Exercising at least twice a week may prevent the onset of mood disorders.


pros and cons 贊成和反對的理由
The pros and cons of strike action were discussed.


slaughter of innocent people 屠殺無辜的民眾
Japanese armies were accused of the slaughter of 300, 000 innocent people in Nanjing.


drop significantly  明顯下跌
The score for Hongkongers' satisfaction with the government's policies and living standards dropped significantly.


abusive language 粗言穢語
Product names should not contain abusive language nor reflect politics or religion.


in terms of 就...方面來說
In terms of competition for growth, Hong Kong ranked 11th, dragging its overall competitiveness.


the main attraction 最吸引人的地方,最精彩的活動
The beautiful beaches are the island's main attraction.


cost-effective 有成本效益的
A survey of students studying for sub-degree programs found that 75 percent believe their courses are not cost-effective.


lead sb astray 把某人引入歧途
Parents fear that their children are involved with drugs or being led astray.


in a stable condition情緒穩定
He was in a stable condition in Princess Margaret Hospital's isolation unit.


personal data 個人資料
Fitness centre chain California Fitness has been accused of collecting excessive amounts of personal data from 220,000 customers.


step up publicity 加強宣傳
The government would step up publicity among ethnic minority groups about the health risks.


competitive edge 競爭優勢
Hong Kong needs to nurture more bright students so as to boost her competitive edge.


invent a story 編造故事
She panicked and invented the abduction story because she did not know how to tell the baby's father about the death.


stand firm 堅決不移
Villagers will stand firm against the government plan, saying that turning private land into a country park is a breach of villagers’ property rights.


achieve a goal 實現目標
There are many who will work hard to achieve these goals.


impose sth (on sb/sth) 迫使,強制實行
She did not want to impose her values on her family.


be better off 比較富裕
Families will be better off under the new law.


extremely remorseful 極為後悔
She was extremely remorseful for violating the law and publicly admitted responsibility.


wholesome image 健康的形象
Andy Lau is widely respected as a hard-working star and he has a wholesome image both on and off the screen.


no better than 實際上和...一樣
Debt-restructuring companies are "no better than loan sharks," according to the Democratic Party.


disadvantages of 缺點
Ocean Park fails to mention the cruelty involved in training dolphins or the disadvantages of captive breeding.


hunt for sb 追捕
Police are hunting for a middle-aged woman suspected of snatching a six-month-old baby girl from her stroller outside a park in Kowloon City.


prospect of 前景
The party says the current level is too low, and leaves about 500,000 less well-off people without the prospect of help.


physically and mentally abused 身體上及心靈上受虐待
Indonesian domestic helpers worked 17 hours a day and two thirds had been physically or mentally abused.


anniversary gala 週年紀念晚會
Overall ratings for TVB's anniversary gala fell below 30 points for the first time in a decade amid a boycott by netizens.


effective means 有效的措施
Raising taxes on tobacco is one of the effective means to combat the smoking prevalence in Hong Kong.


poor ventilation 通風不暢
Researchers also found higher than usual levels of carbon dioxide inside the classrooms of five of the schools because of poor ventilation.


live hand-to-mouth 生活僅能勉強維持
Many elderly people live hand-to-mouth since the government allowances do not keep up with inflation.


outspoken in sth 直率
She was outspoken in her criticism of the plan.


on the strength of sth 憑藉,基於
I bought this dictionary on the strength of your recommendation.


chronic exposure 長期攝取
Chronic exposure could damage a person's liver, kidney as well as reproductive system.


bargaining power 議價能力
The move would further undermine the bargaining power of local workers.


physical activity 體力活動
Obesity and the low level of physical activity are the risk factors for developing diabetes.


in accordance with 根據,與...一致
Chief Executive CY Leung says the Government has handled free television licence applications in accordance with the existing system and legal requirements.


offensive and insulting messages 冒犯性及侮辱性的信息
The most common type of cyber bullying involved victims repeatedly receiving offensive and insulting messages.


uphold traditional family values 堅持傳統的家庭觀念
Hong Kong is a society that upholds traditional family values and this culture should be maintained.


similar to sb/sth 相像,類似
Your problems are similar to mine.


focus on 集中
An educator said the school should focus on topics that interest primary students.


lag behind 落後
The programme compared the three free-to-air TV license applicants and concluded that Hong Kong Television Network lagged behind the other two competitors in every aspect.


remain competitive 保持競爭力
English skills must be improved if job-seekers are to remain competitive with mainlanders, whose English skills are improving.


tackle a problem 解決問題
Officials had carried out more than 900 operations in the past two years to tackle the problem, but the results had been unsatisfactory.


voice strong opposition 表達強烈反對
The Hong Kong Medical Association has voiced strong opposition to a proposal to give the police more powers to test any person suspected of drug use.


prime concern 最關心
The director of health yesterday stressed that patient safety was the prime concern behind a proposed tightening of regulations governing beauty treatments.


square meal 飽餐
About one in five Hongkongers lives a poor and deprived life, struggling to afford three square meals a day and shut out of normal social interaction.


have difficulty (in) doing sth 有困難
Weaker candidates had difficulty in forming simple sentences accurately.


sex change surgery 變性手術
The Court of Final Appeal declared that people who have undergone sex change surgery are entitled to marry in their new gender to the opposite sex.


cross-generational poverty 跨代貧窮
Without sufficient education and Chinese-language skills, it would be very difficult for them to find jobs, thus creating cross-generational poverty.


emotional problems 情緒問題
There has been a sharp rise in the number of children receiving medical consultations for emotional problems.


tax incentives 稅務優惠
The government will offer tax incentives to encourage the middle class to buy medical insurance.


salvage sth (from sth) 搶救
We only managed to salvage two paintings from the fire.


boost sb's confidence/morale增強某人的信心/志氣
Getting that job did a lot to boost his confidence.


a shrinking workforce 勞動力減少
The government has launched a public consultation exercise on its population policy, as Hong Kong faces a shrinking workforce, an aging population and a low birth rate.


amount to 總計,等同
They gave me some help in the beginning but it did not amount to much.


a happy frame of mind 心境開朗
Interviewees regarded sufficient sleep as most important for a healthy life and a happy frame of mind came second.


account for 佔
Among all categories, utilities accounted for the biggest increase, up 9.2 percent from 12 months earlier.


protest against 抗議
Thousands of marchers protested against the government's decision to refuse a free-to-air broadcast licence to Hong Kong Television.


meet the needs 滿足需要
The curriculum is not adequate to meet the special needs of gifted children.


so as to 為了
Next Media announced it will cease publication of its free daily newspaper Sharp Daily so as to consolidate its print operations in Hong Kong.


on suspicion of 涉嫌
The two brothers were arrested on suspicion of assault and attempted extortion.


importation of foreign labour 輸入外勞
Although Hong Kong is still lacking construction workers, the union strongly opposes the importation of foreign labour.


remain unchanged 保持不變
The two new operators would introduce competition to a market that had remained virtually unchanged for the past 40 years.


bargaining position 談判地位
The aim was to give the Hong Kong government a strong bargaining position in any negotiations with the Philippines.


get the message across 領會,理解
The campaign is trying to get the message across to young people that drugs are dangerous.


gain in popularity開始流行
Smartphone apps such as WhatsApp and Instagram are steadily gaining in popularity.


out of context 斷章取義
The Chief Executive, C Y Leung, criticised the Philippine media for taking his comments out of context and misinterpreting them.


disgusting behaviour 令人嘔心的行為
The magistrate described her behaviour as disgusting and told her not to keep animals again for the rest of her life.


in a bid 意圖
The People Power Party plans to move a bill in Legco to ban Filipina maids from working in Hong Kong, in a bid to force Philippine President to apologise for Manila hostage tragedy.


flock to 湧向
Increasing numbers of mainland parents flock to border schools in search of places for their children.


strike a balance 取得平衡
The demand and supply of kindergarten places in North District strike a balance.


boycott of/ against 抵制
Greeners Action has called for a boycott of overpackaged fresh fruits and vegetables sold in Hong Kong supermarkets.


as a result 結果,因此
With the enforcement of the Tourism Law on the Mainland, the number of tours to Hong Kong dropped instantly as a result.


have/express reservations (about) 保留態度
The University of Hong Kong officially appointed Peter Mathieson as its new vice-chancellor yesterday despite reservations expressed by students, alumni and senior academics.


take advantage of 利用
Several elite schools are taking advantage of loopholes in the Education Bureau's guidelines to test students seeking Primary One admission.


exemption from 豁免
There have been calls for exemptions from the special stamp duty.


abide by 遵守
The rules, which went into force yesterday, urged travelers to behave and abide by the norms of civilized tourist behaviour.


conventional opinions 守舊觀點
Her opinions are rather narrow and conventional.  


criticize sb/sth for sth 批評
Some people also criticized the university students for being too dependent and their parents overly protective.


official announcement 正式聲明
An official announcement is expected in the next few days.


play a crucial role 擔當非常重要的角色
Hong Kong's legal system plays a crucial role in maintaining the city's competitiveness and status as one of the leading global financial and commercial centres in the world.


in favour of 贊成
The number in favour of the waste disposal charge was double those who oppose it.


put forward 提出
The Council for Sustainable Development put forward three proposals -- including charging households according to the amount of rubbish they produce.


strike a balance 取得平衡
Secretary for the Environment KS Wong said the proposal strikes a balance between transport trade concerns and public health.


unveil a plan 公佈計劃
The Equal Opportunities Commission has unveiled its plans for the next three years.


services disrupted 服務中斷
Bus services will be disrupted tomorrow because of the bridge closure.


fluctuating price 波動的價格
Fluctuating price of oil has affected the global economy.


achieve a goal 達到目標
The problem made it difficult for us to achieve the desired goal.


impair one's health 損害健康
Overwork impaired his health.


vent one's anger 泄憤
The judge said employers should not use violence to solve problems or regard their maids as targets to vent their anger.


devote yourself to 獻身
Young people who have devoted themselves to sports and music deserve a chance.


spy on 監視
A survey shows that nearly 20-percent of parents have admitted spying on their children's social media accounts.


pay tribute 致敬
Government officials and politicians attended a memorial service yesterday to pay tribute to a “Victoria Park Uncle” Hui Kam-chee.


create loopholes 能產生漏洞
Any exemptions could create loopholes and threaten the effectiveness of the cooling measures.


cherish food 珍惜食物
As the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, the Environmental Protection Department  encourages every family to cherish food and avoid wasting it while celebrating the festival.


sense of belonging 歸屬感
We are insecure when we lack a sense of belonging.


dedication to 奉獻
Employers should adopt measures to increase employees' sense of belonging and strengthen their dedication to work.


a series of 一系列,一連串
Operators of tourist attractions on Lantau are organizing a series of activities to boost tourism on the island.


lag behind 落後
Hong Kong is lagging behind in its innovative development.


tighten your belt 勒緊褲帶
Businesses were tightening their belts and cutting jobs.


obligation to 責任
We were under obligation to finish the work in a satisfactory way.


distort the truth 歪曲事實
Newspapers are often guilty of distorting the truth.


criticize sb/sth for sth 批評
The restaurant owner who gives free meals to street sleepers criticized the officials for not understanding the reality.


積極參與 actively involved in
It is crucial for middle class people to have "taste" as well as to be actively involved in social and political issues.


address a problem 解決問題
The Long-Term Housing Strategy Steering Committee proposed setting a target of building 470,000 flats in the next 10 years to address Hong Kong's housing problem.


turn over a new leaf 改過自新
Lui Wing-ho, a former drug addict, is grateful that he had been given a chance to turn over a new leaf in life despite his criminal record.


account for 佔,說明,對...負有責任
Half of the parents interviewed said school expenses of the new academic year accounted for 20 to 30 per cent of their monthly household income.


spark sth off 觸發
The row was sparked off after the hospital suspended Professor Yu Cheuk-man from carrying out complex heart surgery that he allegedly has not been trained to perform.


ethnic minority 少數族裔
About 20 ethnic minority children and parents staged a protest outside the government headquarters.


turn a blind eye 視而不見
Most companies turn a blind eye to the problem of sexual harassment in the workplace.


sufficient to/for 足夠的,充分的
Her income is not sufficient to support her family.


appropriate to / for 恰當的
She picked up a dress appropriate for the occasion.


go on a trip 去旅行
An Indonesian domestic helper was tied to a chair for five days without food and water when her employers were going on a trip to Thailand.


trace back to 追溯
His fear of snakes traces back to an experience in his childhood.


reiterate that 重申
The Undersecretary for the Environment, Christine Loh, reiterated that the matter needed to be addressed urgently.


step down 辭職
The Authority requested ATV's Executive Director, James Shing, to step down within seven days because he was no longer a "fit and proper person" to run the station.


have the virtue 具有優點
The car has its drawbacks and it has its virtues.


spark controversies引發爭議
The teacher who sparked controversies after telling police officers off with abusive language in public will face disciplinary action by the school in which she teaches.


satisfy sb's needs 滿足需要
If the situation remains unchanged in the future, by the middle of this century, we will need the equivalent resources of 3 Earths to satisfy our daily needs.


feasible solution 可行的解決方法
Feasible solutions to solve the waste problem include construction of incinerators, waste reduction at source and plastic articles levy.


treasure life 珍惜生命
The Eleven-year-old girl, who received a liver transplant from her mother when she was just seven months old, said she has learned to treasure life since her experience.


prompt action及時行動
The drowning child was saved by Sam's prompt action.


reliable source 可靠來源
The Centre for Health Protection is warning people only to buy honey from reliable sources after three people developed "mad honey poisoning".


suspect sb of sth 懷疑
Seven storekeepers are suspected of misleading customers about the price of goods.


brave the storm 冒著暴風雨
A woman braved the storm to rescue a drowning mainlander who tried to commit suicide.


go bankrupt 破產
His business failed and he went bankrupt.


collide with 相撞
A minibus driver suffering from long-term liver disease was killed in a traffic accident when his vehicle collided with a coach at a junction in Kowloon City.


fair and impartial 公平和公正的
The Education Bureau should submit a report that is fair and impartial on whether the series of incidents would have an effect on our teachers, teaching quality and youngsters.


designate sth (as) sth指定
This floor has been designated (as) a no-smoking area.


alert sb to do sth 使警覺
The doctor alerted me to the danger of a heart attack.


gravity of 嚴重性, 重大
The judge described the gravity of the offenses as on the low side and he took into account their contributions to society.


conflicts of interests 利益衝突
The guidelines state that potential conflicts of interests don't necessarily have to involve financial affairs, and can also be related to the interests of a minister's relatives or friends.


cheat on 行騙,作弊
The ICAC has charged a man and his sister with defrauding the pay-TV station NOW-TV out of 350-thousand dollars, by cheating on a popular quiz show.


contaminated food 受污染的食物
We should avoid eating contaminated food.


cut short 縮短
Organizers were forced to cut short the assembly.


reservations about 保留意見
Green Sense has expressed reservations about an Environmental Impact Assessment Report for the proposed North-east New Territories Development area.


disgraceful behaviour可恥的行為
His behaviour was absolutely disgraceful!


universal retirement protection 全民退休保障
The situation would worsen unless the government introduced universal retirement protection.


to make matters worse更糟的是
To make matters worse, some openly suggested holding a party to celebrate his resignation.


strategy for doing sth 策略
The government needs to develop a strategy for dealing with unemployment.


to sb's dismay 令人驚愕的
To his dismay, John saw a tear steal down her cheek.


easily agitated 容易激動
Villagers described the man as "being easily agitated, addicted to gambling and reluctant to work."


discriminatory remarks 歧視性的言論
The women's groups accused Cheng Yiu-tong of making discriminatory remarks and being sexist.


end up 結果成為,最終成為
All of the imported waste ended up in Hong Kong landfills.


in light of sth 根據, 鑒於
The Mission for Migrant Workers says domestic helpers should be given the option to live elsewhere, in light of the persistent problem of workers being given inadequate accommodation.


break the silence 打破沉默
Four of the Modern College students disqualified from the Diploma of Secondary Education Chinese examination for plagiarism have broken their silence.


leeway to do sth 靈活性,餘地
Local councils will be given some leeway as to how they implement the legislation.


emission of 排放
Authorities say this could reduce emissions of sulphur dioxide city-wide by 14-percent.


participation in 參與
The government has a key role to play in encouraging the elderly to have greater participation in the community.


no plans to do sth 沒有計劃做某事
Billionaire Li Ka-shing said yesterday he has no plans to withdraw his investment from Hong Kong.


crack down on sth/sb 竭力取締
The latest revision of the Ordinance aims to win back consumer trust by plugging the loopholes and cracking down on unfair trade practices.


burden with 加負擔於
The government burdened the nation with heavy taxes.


take the initiative 採取主動
He is shy and does not take the initiative in making friends.


vital to / for 極其重要的
Special education is vital for disabled students and enables them to acquire certain skills before they enter mainstream schools.


difficulty (in) doing sth 困難
I had great difficulty in persuading her to quit the show.


mechanism for 機制
There is no mechanism for punishing arms exporters who break the rules.


make progress 取得進展
The government has made great progress in controlling inflation.


pressing need 有迫切需要
Secretary for the Environment Wong Kam-sing expressed disappointment at the outcome, arguing that there is a pressing need to expand the landfills.


out of proportion 不成比例
Henry Tang said the affair was blown out of proportion because it occurred during the chief executive election.


alleviate a problem 緩解一問題
A number of measures were taken to alleviate the problem.


room for 餘地,機會
Employers can give more opportunities to young people to enable them to have more room for creativity.


positive attitude 積極的態度
The Education Bureau urges parents and students to accept the allocation results with a positive attitude.


drag one's feet 故意拖延
Dragging one's feet on the government's proposal to expand two landfills will do Hong Kong no good.


refuse to 拒絕
Some parents refused to let their children wear hearing aids because they worried that their children would face discrimination.


unparalleled opportunity 絕好機會
It was an unparalleled opportunity to develop his career.


blueprint for 藍圖,計劃
The government has unveiled a revised blueprint for the development of two new towns in the northeastern New Territories.


collusion between business and the government 官商勾結
It is believed to be a move to avoid giving any impression of collusion between business and the government.


keep in touch 保持聯繫
Beijing passed a law requiring people to visit or keep in touch with elderly parents or risk being sued or face penalties.


have a grievance against sb 對某人心存不滿
He has a deep sense of grievance against his former employer.


a great boost 很大的幫助/推動
The return of veteran Wong Kam-po for the National Games would be a great boost for the team.


place emphasis on sth 重視某事
He said the stigma attached to being a drug user was particularly harmful in Hong Kong, where so much emphasis is placed on academic achievement.


take effect 生效
Hong Kong residents can enjoy an 85 percent discount in September and October, when the new prices take effect.


resort to 訴諸於
He may resort to more extreme means of conveying his political ideas after receiving a suspended four month jail term.


hit a snag 觸礁
Two proposals to expand the landfills hit a snag due to insufficient time to put them to a vote.


a wide/broad range of 範圍廣泛的
This school admits students from a wide range of backgrounds.


cheat sb (out) of sth 騙取
They were convicted of cheating the government out of HK$700,000 in housing allowances.


have an understanding of sth 了解
A survey conducted by the Federation of Medical Socieites showed close to 80 percent of people polled don't have a good understanding of obesity.


remind sb to do / of doing sth 提醒
Permanent Secretary for Food & Health Marion Lai reminded shoppers to choose fresh and hygienic food.


adverse effects不利的影響
Measures will be introduced to reduce the adverse effects caused to nearby communities by the proposed extension of Hong Kong's three landfills.


lure sb into (doing) sth 引誘
Social workers were concerned that drugs may be provided free to young people as a way to lure them into addiction.


content with 滿意的
Hong Kong is a great example of a hard-working, productive market where people feel content with the amount of time and energy they have for their lives outside work.


impact on/upon 影響
The government needs to assess the impact on the natural habitat of white dolphins.


no matter 不論
Selling fake goods, no matter online or in real life, is a criminal offense, and will leave criminal records.


a sense of 感覺
He looked around the room with a sense of achievement.


prosecute for 對...起訴
He was prosecuted for drunken driving.


phase out 逐步淘汰
It is an effective interim measure before the old buses are totally phased out in 13 years' time.


condemn sb for (doing) sth 譴責
She knew that society would condemn her for leaving her children.


dissatisfied with 對…不滿意
Cruise passengers were dissatisfied with its lack of exchange shops and poor connection to the city.


raise/heighten the morale of 提高士氣
We need to heighten the morale of the players before the finals.


leak sth to sb 洩露
The civil servant leaked the report's findings to the press.


allocation of time 時間分配
The main reasons why many feel they are not ready for a romantic relationship are the allocation of time and economic capability.


play down 降低...的重要性
The Secretary for Food and Health tried to play down dumpling copper fears.


motivate sb to do sth 激勵
Electricity is far too cheap locally to motivate consumers to adopt more energy-efficient habits.


violation of 違犯
The drunken driver was brought to the police station for violation of traffic regulations.


poses a threat 構成威脅
Increasing population poses a growing threat to the environment and to the endangered Chinese white dolphins as a result of reclamation work.


territorial disputes 領土爭端
Many also have bad feelings against Tokyo and Beijing. It is believed the bad feelings toward Manila and Tokyo are mainly due to territorial disputes with the mainland.


easy acceptance 易於接受
The top three reasons for using social networking sites to promote their causes included faster responses, easy acceptance by youngsters and convenience.


on alert 保持警惕
Health authorities in Hong Kong are on alert for potentially harmful starch-based food products from Taiwan.


mixed emotions/feelings百感交集
It was with mixed feelings that Sandy resigned.


realm of 領域
The Consumer Council unveiled details of a 3-year strategic plan inaugurating a new realm of consumer protection and empowerment.


go Dutch 各自付帳
Hong Kong women prefer their men to be tall and they hate going Dutch on the first date.


drop a charge 撤銷控告
The prosecution dropped a charge against a Filipino maid who was accused of cheating her employer of HK$15.


satisfied with 感到滿意的   
Youngsters have a positive self-image and are satisfied with their appearance and work ability.


myth that 錯誤觀念
I don't believe in the myth that wisdom accompanies old age.


impair health 損害健康
Junk food impaired her health.


overall interests 整體利益
The Environment Secretary Wong Kam-sing called on residents living near the landfills, who are opposing the expansion, to consider Hong Kong's overall interests.


formulate policies 制訂政策
The Commission on Poverty urged the Government to formulate policies promoting upward social mobility to mitigate poverty causes.


misconduct in public office 公職人員行為失當
A superintendent of police was convicted of misconduct in public office for getting discounts and gifts from a restaurant.


compatible with 相容的
The rare mistake was realized halfway through the operation when a nurse realized that the donor's AB blood type was not compatible with the patient's type A.


contributing factor 促成因素
Economic pressures, tough working environments and late marriages were all contributing factors.


outlying island 離島
The action plan includes the construction of a major incinerator on the outlying island of Shek Kwu Chau.


reliance on/upon 依賴
The academy attributed Hong Kong's narrowing lead to a lack of progress in the innovative technology sector, expensive housing and an overreliance on financial services.


give sth top/high priority 重要的事
Safety must be given the highest priority.


suspension of 暫停
The accident forced the suspension of light rail services in the area.


trivial things 瑣事
Don't waste your time on these trivial things.


earn quick money 賺快錢
The teenager was persuaded to become involved in the drugs trade as he wanted to earn quick money.


in a panic 驚慌
The crowd fled in all directions in a panic.


victory for 勝利
The ruling represents a victory for all women.


relieve stress 舒緩壓力
As for how to relieve stress, 35% of mothers prefer to talk with friends and family.


a bleak outlook 暗淡的前景
The outlook for jobs is bleak.


deal a severe blow to sb/sth 給…以打擊
If the budget is not passed by the middle of this month, the consequences will be dire and irreversible.


parent-child communication 親子溝通
Most children believe that eating together is the ideal platform for parent-child communication.


livelihood issues 民生問題
A survey has found that Hongkongers are more concerned with social order and livelihood issues than the attainment of democracy.


take tough action 採取嚴厲行動
The Police will take tough action against cycling offences.


in favour of 贊成
Striking dockers voted in favour of a 9.8 percent pay rise, ending the 40-day long strike.


be subject to 會受到
Drivers aged 60 or older may be subject to periodic health checks to renew their licenses.


insist on 堅持
They are still insisting on a double-figure increase and direct talks with the employers.


corrupt officials貪官
They were concerned the money could be misused by corrupt officials.


put one's life at risk 冒生命危險
The brave youngsters put their lives at risk to remove 50 liquified petroleum gas cylinders.


all walks of life 不同階層
They came from all walks of life, but were united in their demand for better working conditions.


inquiry into 調查,詢問
The Commission of Inquiry into the ferry disaster off Lamma island has severely criticised the Marine Department.


maintain a basic standard of living 維持最基本的生活水平
Oxfam Hong Kong has urged the government to introduce a Low Income Family Subsidy to help these poor working families maintain a basic standard of living.


household chores 家務
A survey found that about 40 percent of parents spent two hours or less each day after work with their children because they needed to take work home or attend to household chores.


shoulder the responsibility 承擔責任
The Government should have the courage to shoulder the responsibility by diagnosing the real cause of the negative energy and then remedy accordingly.


spare no efforts 不遺餘力
The Government will spare no efforts in environmental hygiene, but every citizen must participate to carry out preventive measures, and keep Hong Kong clean.


incorporate into 納入
Three-quarters of Hong Kong students believe that financial management should be incorporated into the general studies curriculum.


low expectations 低期望
Students from middle-class backgrounds expect to go to university, while those from poorer families have lower expectations.


appreciate and respect others 欣賞和尊重他人
Parents should focus more on developing their children's ethics and empathy so that they will learn to appreciate and respect others.


catering industry 餐飲業
Those who worked in the catering industry were the most vulnerable, with 80 percent claiming abuse.


high-end boutiques 高檔時裝店
The landlord wanted them to move so that he could lease the space out to high-end boutiques for higher rent.


express condolences 表示慰唁
Chief Executive CY Leung expressed his condolences to the victims' families.


brave heavy rain冒著大雨
About a thousand people braved heavy rain to join a rally outside the Cheung Kong Centre on Friday evening to support a group of striking dockers who are demanding better pay and working conditions.


stick to 堅持
The dockers, who earn around HK$18,000 a month, are seeking a pay hike of 20 percent, but the employers are sticking to a 7 percent offer.


sustain injuries 受傷
She sustained injuries to her neck and was declared dead less than two hours later.


transexual woman 變性女人
The Court of Final Appeal rejected a bid by a transexual woman to be allowed to marry her boyfriend.


lack of evidence 缺乏證據
The findings have prompted the Consumer Council to call for a mandatory GM labeling scheme for GM food in Hong Kong, despite a lack of evidence to suggest that such food is harmful to health.


a close link 緊密關繫
The study has found a close link between inflation and mental health.


totally unacceptable 完全不能接受的
This sort of behaviour is totally unacceptable in a civilized society.


make progress 取得進展
Little progress was made during a second round of talks between port contractors and two unions over the dispute at the Kwai Chung container port.


put out 撲滅
The blaze took 160 firemen three hours to put out.


face-to-face communication 面對面的溝通
Researchers warn smartphone addiction could eventually weaken family ties and friendships, and urges the public to engage in more face-to-face communication and interact more with the real world.


achieve/attain their goals 實現他們的目標
More than 60 per cent of the bottom tier did not believe they would achieve their goals in life.


continuation of 延續
Margaret Thatcher wanted a continuation of British administration in Hong Kong.


under negotiation 在商討之中
The issue is still under negotiation.


care about 關心
Most Hong Kong employees care more about long-term job security than pay or promotions when choosing to work for a new company.


on high alert 高度戒備
HK is on high alert as H7N9 infection spreads on the mainland.


on your own 獨自
About 60 per cent of Hong Kong children do not know how to take a bath on their own.


meet the deadline 在期限前完成
It might be necessary to divert some freight to other regional ports to meet deadlines.


preventable disease 可以預防的疾病
Forty-thousand children a day die from preventable diseases.


out of control不受控制
The company argued that the increasing size of the crowd posed a danger at the port and the event was getting out of control.


stem from 源於
They said the pressure stemmed from the lack of time, further studies and their parents' expectations.


opportunity for sth 機會
More than twenty percent of the respondents believe that working on the mainland helps career development and has better opportunities for promotion.


stage a protest 舉行抗議活動
The Confederation of Trade Unions staged a protest in Central, calling on the administration to standardise the number of statutory holidays in Hong Kong.


private tuition 補習
A survey has found that 63 per cent of primary and secondary students receive private tuition.


distributed to 分發,分配
They purchased meal coupons from the restaurant, and then distributed to the needy.


terms and conditions條款及細則
People must fully understand the terms and conditions before purchasing travel insurance.


be qualified to 合格的,勝任的
The two Filipinos argued that they are qualified to stay in the territory permanently.


chance of survival 生存希望
The breakthrough increases the chance of survival for liver disease patients.


ecological impact 生態環境的影響
"Earth Hour" is a symbolic event aimed at getting people to think about the ecological impact they make on the world.


keen competition 激烈的競爭
There is keen competition for school places in the Northern District because of an influx of cross-border students.


seek help 求助
Nearly 80 percent of student drug takers said they had never sought help.


face the axe 面臨解雇
A large property agency yesterday warned staff they had better improve their performance or face the axe.


light pollution 光污染
The night sky over urban areas was between 100 and more than 1,000 times brighter than internationally accepted levels.


appeal to 呼籲
The Consumer Council has appealed to shoppers to avoid buying products with excessive packaging.


financial strain 財政壓力
KMB said it was under financial strain due to higher costs.


mixed appraisals 毀譽參半的評價
The visitors offered mixed appraisals of the new, yet incomplete terminal.


concede that 承認
The Health Secretary, Ko Wing-man, has conceded that the ban on mainland women giving birth in Hong Kong might have pushed private hospitals here to increase their fees.


relieve concerns 減輕擔憂
The girl's father posted a message on a social media website to relieve the concerns of parents.


step up 加強
A kindergarten in Ho Man Tin has stepped up security after a woman's attempt to kidnap a four-year-old student.


make a decision 作決定
She failed to make the right decision.


set goals 設定目標
Courage is important for setting goals.


transform sth into sth 改造
Language Fund plans to revitalize a vacant industrial building and transform it into an "English City" where English is the only language.


lag behind 落後
Hong Kong women in business hold about 30 per cent of senior management positions, lagging behind the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Taiwan.


reap the benefit of sth 因某事得到好處
It was good to see her finally reaping the benefits of all her hard work.


scathing criticism 嚴厲批評
The new law prompted scathing criticism from the mainland, calling the measure too drastic.


widely held belief 普遍認為
It is a widely held belief that violent crime is increasing.


sexual harassment 性騷擾
A study has revealed that half of the students surveyed are exposed to some form of sexual harassment.


spread rapidly 迅速傳播
This is worrying as this age group is most active in social activities, so diseases can spread rapidly.


human negligence 人為疏忽
The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department did not rule out human negligence in the maintenance process.


set up 設立,建立
The Financial Secretary proposed in his 2013-14 Budget to set up 20 scholarships for outstanding local students to take degree courses or teacher training programmes at overseas universities.


vital to 極其重要的
Developing tourism was vital to maintaining Hong Kong's long-term competitiveness.


devotion to 忠誠,奉獻
At her young age, she was "blinded by love" and believed that her boyfriend's attempt to free her demonstrated his devotion to her.


lack of vision 缺乏遠見
The budget was strongly criticized yesterday for a lack of vision and failure to plan for the long term.


optional module 選修單元
The course consists of ten core modules and five optional modules.


impact on 影響
CLP said it would work to minimise the impact on consumers.


show up 出席,露面
The annual mega event drew 72,000 applicants - with 65,000 showing up.


no less than 不少于
When interest rates rise, the crash in Hong Kong property prices could be no less severe than it was in 1997.


curb on sth 限定,約束
The government has extended its curbs on property prices from home purchases to offices, shops, hotel suites, factories and car parking spaces.


comply with 遵守
3A Holidays failed to comply with an ultimatum to deliver an explanation to the Council.


prone to 易於...的
The Housing Department will conduct intensive patrols in older estates which are more prone to tenancy abuse.


subject to 容易遭受,可能會
Purchasers may be subject to unnecessary risks because of unknowns about whether the land lease allows such transactions.


turn a blind eye to 對...視而不見
A nurse has accused the Taipo Hospital of turning a blind eye to repeated cases of sexual abuse and violence in its psychiatric ward.


converge on 聚集
Political and charity groups converged on government headquarters to urge the government to use the huge surplus to help lift the city's most vulnerable out of poverty.


cope with 對付,處理
No more mainland cities should be added to the individual visit scheme until Hong Kong has the infrastructure to cope with them.


admission to 入學
Students have to pay to join extra- curricular activities to improve their chances of admission to secondary schools and universities.


inhumane treatment of animals不仁道對待動物
A man was jailed for eight months for inhumane treatment of animals.


at risk 有危險,冒風險
Misusing the hotline may unnecessarily engage operators, which could endanger the lives of people genuinely at risk.


promising future 充滿希望的未來
If I keep on performing well, I know that I will have a promising future.

12/2/13 gossip about 閒話,流言
There has been much gossip about the possible reasons for his absence.

jump to conclusions 妄下結論
One should not jump to conclusions that the administration will scrap or change the "Individual Visit Scheme".


utmost importance 極其重要的
It is of the utmost importance that everybody in Hong Kong can share in the fruits of the city's prosperity.


distribution of wealth 財富分配
An uneven distribution of wealth in a society will lead to conflict of interest between different classes of people.


account for 佔,說明
Glass bottles account for 3 percent of the waste dumped in landfills but only a small percentage are recycled.


opportunity to do sth 做某事的機會
The pilot project is aimed at giving an opportunity to young people to move away from their families while saving money to buy their own flats.


on bad terms 不和
He is said to have been on bad terms with his father.


willing to do sth 願意做
Students are only willing to commit themselves to walking or traveling by public transport to school, rather than change their lifestyles on clothing choices and eating habits.


lead a green lifestyle 過綠色的生活
DAB is encouraging the public to donate non-expired food to charities and to lead a green lifestyle.


drastic measures 嚴厲措施
The Chief Executive, C Y Leung, defended the drastic measures introduced to curb the parallel trading of infant milk formula.


There is no denying that 無可否認
There is no denying that quicker action could have saved them.


well-to-do family 富有家庭
A study found that children from well-to-do families are four times more likely to attend university than those from poor families.


strengthen law-enforcement 加強執法
The government will strengthen law-enforcement action against parallel-trading activities.


appear to be 看來,似乎
Oxfam Hong Kong says that the waiting time for public housing appears to be far longer than the average period of less than three years stated by the government.


westernized lifestyle 西化的生活方式
Medical experts believe the westernized lifestyle can be blamed for the high incidence of allergies.


in a bid to 試圖
About 20 members of the Hong Kong Autonomy Movement gathered outside Mong Kok East MTR station in a bid to block people carrying cans of formula across the border.


get by 過活
I can't get by on such a small income.


intend to 打算,計劃
The plan intends to provide three days of paternity leave with an employee being paid the equivalent to four-fifths of his average daily wage.


stringent measures 嚴厲的措施
The government will not rule out introducing more stringent measures to ensure sufficient stocks.


hatred of the rich 仇富
In order to gain votes in elections, some political parties purposely instigated the grassroots' hatred of the rich.


with emotion 充滿感情地,激動地
She answered in a voice filled with emotion.


shrink from doing sth 迴避做
We will not shrink from making the necessary changes in policy.


take an opposite stance 採取相反的立場
But taking an opposite stance, Liberal Party lawmaker James Tien Pei-chun, supports importing labor to ease the shortage of construction workers.


influx of 湧入
The government will do more to tackle an influx of parallel traders.


phase out 逐步淘汰
The Secretary for the Environment Wong Kam-sing is confident that a new subsidy scheme to phase out old, high-polluting diesel commercial vehicles will bear fruit.


refusal to do sth 拒絕
The Equal Opportunities Commission has questioned the government's refusal to hold a public consultation on gay rights.


first/top priority 優先考慮
The Chief Executive said his administration's top priority is tackling Hong Kong's housing shortage.


ward off 抵禦
Many believe that avoiding crowded places, maintaining good hygiene or taking lots of vitamin C were good enough to ward off the virus.


have no option but to 別無選擇
She had no option but to quit her job in order to take care of her child.


opposition to 反對
Several Christian organizations held a praying concert at the Tamar government headquarters park to show their opposition to proposed legislation that would outlaw discrimination based on sexual orientation.


attach importance 重視
The Chief Executive should attach importance to several areas -- including poverty, housing and the environment.


put on hold 暫停,中止
The domestic helpers levy was put on hold in 2008.


critically-ill patients 危殆病人
The Ombudsman recommended that critically-ill patients should be taken by ambulance to the nearest hospital.


carry out / make repairs 進行維修
His job is to make minor repairs on all the machines.


reluctant to do sth 不願意
They had been reluctant to interview households living in subdivided flats.


end of an era 一個時代的結束
His death marked the end of an era.


alleviate poverty 減輕貧窮
The Society for Community Organisation staged a protest demanding long-term measures to alleviate poverty.


a direct bearing on 有直接影響
The study showed income had a direct bearing on blood pressure.


livelihood issues 民生問題
The policy address would focus on livelihood issues, including housing, poverty and the elderly.


able-bodied people 健全的人
The Liberal Party has called for a two-year cap on unemployment benefits for able-bodied people.


professional misconduct 專業失德
The Medical Council of Hong Kong found the doctor guilty of professional misconduct.


voice support 表示支持
Mrs. Chan voiced support for the "zero quota" policy for non-local women giving birth in Hong Kong.


enforcement of the law 執法
The police are responsible for the enforcement of the law.


A Phrase A Day - 2013

