F. 3

Reading Aloud 3

Roisin Smith does not look like a hero. However, to another little girl called Lucy, Roisin is the biggest hero in the world.

In 2015, Lucy discovered that she had cancer when she was nine. The medicine she took made most of her hair fall out. She was almost completely bald.

One day, four-year-old Roisin saw a picture of Lucy. She wanted to help Lucy by cutting off some of her hair so that Lucy could have a wig.

After talking to her parents about it, Roisin cut off 23 cm of her hair. The hair was donated to a charity called Little Princess Trust. Roisin’s kind act was noticed in social media and on the news. She used her popularity to raise money for charity.

Roisin is an example for us to follow. A simple act of kindness makes you a hero!


1. the biggest hero 最偉大的英雄
2. almost completely bald 幾乎完全禿頭

3. a wig 假髮

4. The hair was donated to a charity把頭髮捐到慈善組織

5. to raise money for charity為慈善組織籌款

6. A simple act of kindness簡單的善良之舉


