
Reading Aloud 8

Parenthood is a beautiful thing

It is traditional to have children after getting married. However, more and more young couples are choosing not to have children.

This phenomenon can be explained in several ways. Quite a huge proportion of Hong Kong women are well educated. It is common for married women to continue working to support their families.

It is not easy to strike a balance between their jobs and their families. Therefore, they would rather concentrate on work than have a baby early.

After getting married, couples want to enjoy their relationship without a crying baby. Some may have the financial ability to support a child. Others may just not want the responsibility for another life.

If you want a child, you have to look after them well and educate them. I think creating a new life is a great thing, but it's a huge responsibility. We should not take it lightly.

Chu Po Shan (7B )
South China Morning Post ( September 27, 2007 )


1. parenthood (n) 父母身分
2. traditional (adj) 傳統的

3. young couples (n) 年輕夫婦

4. phenomenon (n) 現象

5. proportion (n) 比例

6. educated (adj) 受過教育的

7. strike a balance (phr) 達到平衡

8. concentrate (v) 集中

9. financial (adj) 財政的

10. responsibility (n) 責任

Useful Sentences

1. it is traditional (for sb) to do sth 傳統的
  It is traditional for the bridegroom to make a speech.

2. it is common for sb to do sth常見的
  It is common for people to feel jealous of other people’s success.

3. strike a balance 兩全其美
  We need to strike a balance between the needs of the community and the rights of the individual.

4. would rather do sth than do sth寧願
  They said they would rather die than abandon their homes.

5. concentrate on sth / on doing sth 全神貫注,全力以赴
   You should concentrate your efforts on passing these exams.

6. take sth lightly掉以輕心
  Divorce is not a matter you can afford to take lightly.



