
Reading Aloud 18

Travelling abroad can help students learn more read

More and more parents are taking their children overseas for vacation, hoping that their children will learn more from these experiences. These rich experiences can never be obtained from reading or from attending school.read

Visiting foreign countries can be a precious chance for students to see for themselves different people and ways of life. In this way they can acquire a broader vision of the world, and learn how to communicate with other people. Travel can teach students to be more tolerant and respectful of others as they spend time with people who are from different backgrounds and cultures during their travel.read

While travelling overseas, students can observe things and people in other countries which may confirm what they have learned in their books. It is learning in a direct way. Travelling can give them first-hand knowledge and experience in subjects like geography, history and even economics. They can see geographical features and economic development of other countries, and see the social life of foreigners. read

Visiting English-speaking countries is beneficial to students, in particular, to their learning of English. By staying in an English-speaking country, their listening and speaking skills will improve, since they need to use English in their daily interactions with local people. Students also get to read a lot of English from road signs, menus, newspapers and forms since these are all in English.read

Travelling abroad is an effective way to help students learn because it can widen and consolidate ‘book knowledge’, and stimulate interest in learning. It can help them to be more tolerant and respectful of others, and to improve their English language skills. read


1. vacation(n) 假期
2. precious chance (ph) 寶貴的機會
3. acquire (v) 取得

4. vision (n) 洞察力

5. geographical features (ph) 地理特徵

6. interactions (n) 互相影響
7. menu (n)
8. consoldiate (v) 鞏固

9. stimulate (v) 激勵

10. tolerant (adj) 容忍的

