
Reading Aloud 7

Visiting Hong Kong for the first time

Living in a rural village in Guang Xi with his parents, Ming had never been to Hong Kong. It came as a surprise when he received his cousin Grace’s letter inviting him to visit Hong Kong. Having sought his parents’ approval, Ming set off for his dreamland – Hong Kong in no time.read

The wonderful journey started at the airport when he met his long-lost cousin Grace. Much to his surprise, standing right before him was a little angel who had tender looks and charming appearances. Grace was so hospitable to Ming that she treated him to a rich breakfast at a five-star hotel in Central. Ming was amazed to see the hustle and bustle of the city: roads were heavily congested, pavements were packed with pedestrians and every tram was filled to capacity. Ming was then astonished at the great number of modern office buildings which rose to sky high. Grace pointed at an elegant high-rise on the mid-levels and said,’I live up there on the 23rd floor.’read

Hong Kong is renowned for her great shopping malls, so Grace decided to take Ming to Tsim Sha Shui and do shopping there. Without taking any notice of the traffic conditions, Ming crossed the road recklessly and was nearly knocked down by a speeding car. Grace told Ming gently the importance of observing traffic regulations in Hong Kong. They spent the next couple of hours at a modern shopping mall called Elements. Dozens of shoppers, mostly from the mainland, were lining up outside shops selling deluxe products. Although Ming was impressed with every item he saw in the shops, he could not afford even the sale goods.read

Ming thought that he would leave Hong Kong empty-handed. Totally unexpected, he received a brand name shirt as a souvenir from Grace at the airport. Ming’s trip to Hong Kong was brief but memorable. He vowed that he would visit Hong Kong again and have a shopping spree at Element. read


1. long-lost (adj) 久已不見的
2. the hustle and bustle of (ph) 擁擠喧鬧
3. filled to capacity (ph) 座無虛席

4. astonished (adj) 驚訝的

5. elegant (adj) 優美的, 漂亮的

6. renowned (adj) 有名的
7. recklessly (adv) 魯莽地

8. deluxe (adj) 豪華的, 高級的

9. memorable (adj) 值得懷念的

10. shopping spree (ph) 狂購物

