Prepositions after verbs - Exercise 1

Write your answer on the space provided. Then click the answer button to see the correct answer.


1. Can you account your disgraceful conduct? (解釋醜行)

2. The report accused the government mishandling the case. (指控制政府處理該事不當)

3. He found it difficult to adapt himself the new environment. (難於適應新環境)

4. Students need someone to advise them the choice of a career. (勸告)

5. The English Club aims promoting the learning of English. (致力促進)

6. The student apologized the teacher his misbehaviour. (為不當行為道歉)

7. The Community Chest appealed the public support. (公益金請求大眾支持)

8. I applied TVB a job. (申請工作)

9. You made a good decision, and I heartily approve it. (衷心贊成)

10. She is always arguing her husband money. (爭論)

11. We arrived Beijing after a three-hour flight. We finally arrived our destination.

12. I can assure you his honesty. (保証其誠實)

13. You should avail yourself every opportunity to practise speaking English. (利用機會)

14. He begged mercy. (懇求憐憫)

15. I don't believe ghosts. (相信)

16. I am sure you will benefit the English course. (獲益)

17. Many Hong Kong people like to bet horses. (賭馬)

18. Beware pickpockets. (小心抓手)

19. He blamed me not helping him. (埋怨)

20. He borrowed money his friends. (借錢)

