Prepositions after verbs - Exercise 2

Write your answer on the space provided. Then click the answer button to see the correct answer.


1. She burst tears. (湧出眼淚)

2. He was charged theft. (被控偷竊)

3. The chairman invited the committee members to comment the proposal. (評論提議)

4. We have to compete two rival companies. the choice of a career. (競爭)

5. He complained bitterly the injustice. (投訴不義)

6. Students are expected to comply the school regulations. (遵守校規)

7. This year our school has concentrated improving students' language skills. (集中)

8. There is no need to concern yourself this matter; we are dealing with it. (關注)

9. Please confine your remarks the subject under discussion. (集中討論範圍)

10. Our interests conflict theirs. (利益衝突)

11. The twin sisters look so alike that we always confuse one the other. (弄亂)

12. We congratulate him his promotion. (恭賀晉升)

13. The police are connecting this incident last week's terrorist bombing. (聯結)

14. We will not succeed unless we co-operate each other. (合作)

15. I seriously doubt his ability to cope the situation. (應付)

16. We count you to help us. (依賴)

17. He was criticized not doing his duty. (被批評)

18. The drowning man cried help. (呼救)

19. Nothing can cure him his bad habit. (戒除)

20. There are no effective measures to deal drug smuggling. (缺乏有效措施處理運毒)

