Prepositions after verbs - Exercise 3

Write your answer on the space provided. Then click the answer button to see the correct answer.


1. He deceived them believing that he was innocent.( 欺騙 )

2. That depends circumstances. ( 視乎環境 )

3. I discuss the matter him. ( 討論 )

4. The twins look so alike that we can hardly distinguish them. ( 分辨 )

5. The kidnappers divided the ransom four parts. ( 平分贖金 )

6. The girl dreamed becoming a star one day. (夢想)

7. Our school is equipped up-to-date facilities. ( 裝置最新設施 )

8. His physical handicap exempted him military service. ( 傷殘豁免服軍役 )

9. Cows feed grass. (吃草)

10. President Lincoln devoted himself to the cause of freeing the Negroes slavery. ( 林肯總統致力解放黑奴 )

11. This pamphlet will furish you the information you need. ( 提供資料 )

12. Are you trying to hide something me? ( 隱瞞 )

13. The heavy rain hindered me arriving here on time. ( 妨礙 )

14. Hope the best and prepare for the worst. (抱樂觀的態度)

15. I would like to inform you my decision to resign from the post. ( 通知你我決定辭職 )

16. The customer insisted seeing the manager. ( 堅持 )

17. I introduced my school friends my parents. (介紹)

18. He invested large sums of money books. ( 投資 )

19. He jumped the offer. (急不及待地接受提議) Don't jumped conclusions. ( 倉促下判斷 )

20. We were laughing the mess John was in. (取笑)

