Prepositions after verbs - Exercise 5

Write your answer on the space provided. Then click the answer button to see the correct answer.


1. My father retired his job in the Civil Service at the age of 60. ( 退休 )

2. The thugs robbed him his money. ( 劫去 )

3.The soldiers sacrificed their lives their country. ( 犧牲 )

4. He saved the boy drowning. ( 救 )

5. The police were still searching the boy who fell into the river. ( 搜尋 )

6. The judge sentenced the robber five years' imprisonment. ( 判監 )

7. We can easily separate sand water by filtration. ( 分隔 )

8. She inherited a large fortune but she refused to share it her husband. ( 承繼遺產但拒絕與夫分享 )

9.She smiled me in a friendly fashion. ( 微笑 )

10. The company spent a lot of money advertising. (用錢 )

11. Why are you staring me like that?. ( 瞪著 )

12. I submitted the plan the committee for approval. ( 遞交 )

13. She succeeded persuading her father to buy her a piano. ( 成功說服 )

14.He suffered headaches. ( 受苦 )

15. The mass media supply us the latest information on international and local affairs. ( 傳媒供應最新國際及本地訊息 )

16. The police suspected the man drug trafficking. ( 懷疑運毒 )

17. Although I sympathize your situation, there is little I can do about it . ( 同情 )

18. The robber threatened him a pistol and took away his money. ( 以槍威脅 )

19. I warned him the dander. ( 警告 )

20. I wouldn't worry it if I were you. ( 擔憂 )

