Prepositions after adjectives - Exercise 7

Write your answer on the space provided. Then click the answer button to see the correct answer.


1. I am quite convinced his honesty. ( 信服 )

2. Our teacher is critical our essays. He always finds faults with them. ( 批判)

3. The bus was crowded people. ( 擁擠的 )

4. I am curious his motive for doing such a thing. ( 好奇 )

5. I am very delighted the present you gave me. ( 高興 ) I am delighted hearing the good news.

6. He has been dependent his son's earnings ever since his retirement. ( 依靠 )

7. My school is different yours in that it is a Catholic school. ( 與天主教學校不同的 )

8. My parents will be disappointed me if I fail the examination. ( 失望 ) he was deeply disappointed losing the race.

9. We are eager success. ( 熱切盼望 )

10. The new secretary is efficient carrying out her duties. ( 有效率 )

11. His colleagues are envious his success. ( 嫉妒 )

12. We are all very excited the visit to Ocean Peak. ( 興奮的 )

13. Mr. Chan is experienced teaching. ( 富經驗 )

14.  Switzerland is famous its beautiful scenery. ( 出名的 )

15. She is fond painting. ( 喜愛 )

16. The old lady is never free pain. ( 沒有 )

17. He is always generous his friends. He is generous his money. ( 慷慨 )

18. I am glad your help. ( 高興的 )

19. She is good singing. ( 擅長的 ) Swimming is good health. (有益的)

20.   I am grateful you your help. ( 感謝的 )

