I am writing in response to the cuts in education funding in Hong Kong.

University students are "the masters and pillars of the community". Hong Kong's future is in their hands. Despite temporarily solving the budget deficit problem, the plan will affect the quality of tertiary education in the long run. It will do more harm than good.

A survey has shown that if school fees for tertiary education go up, 10 per cent of secondary school students will choose not to enter university.

Why does the government focus only on short-term benefits?

What we need now is a detailed proposal listing both the pros and cons of the budget cut, just like what the government did in the Central reclamation.
The government should get the public's opinion and consider the plan carefully before making a final decision.


Don't sacrifice HK's future

Tina Chan Man Na (6A)












South China Morning Post (16th April,2004)  
