Do you agree that families should have only one child? Many people think parents will have more time to spend on an only child and communication between the two parties will improve as a result.

However, I believe in having brothers or sisters. An only child may get bored easily, which could prompt them to take to the streets, where they could meet bad elements. The youngster may be led astray by gangsters and could resort to crime to relieve the boredom.

On the other hand, if people have brothers or sisters, they can learn how to live and co-operate with others. They will grow up as caring people and lead happier lives.

In conclusion, there are more advantages to have siblings. Although there may be quarrels, they can learn how to handle problems. It is an important part of the growing up process.

South China Morning Post (15th December,2003)



Siblings help us to become better people

Clover Lam Yuen Ying (6B)








