I used to be ashamed to identify myself as Chinese. As I was born before 1997, I hold a British National Overseas passport and would rather identify myself as a British or Hong Kong resident.

My mother had been asking me to change my passport into an SAR one but I did not want to. My attitude began to change after several glorious achievements made by China.

I have become more patriotic since astronaut Yang Liwei's success and China's successful application to host the 2008 Olympic Games.

SAR passport holders have visa-free access to more than 100 countries including Japan. This shows that most countries recognize Hong Kong as part of China.

I have decided to apply for as SAR passport and I'm proud to tell people that I'm Chinese.


Very Proud to be Chinese

Florence Ho Chun-sze (6A)










South China Morning Post (13th February,2004)  
