Basic English Structure
Active & Passive Voice 主動語態和被動語態

Tense Table

I. Active Voice 主動語態
In an active voice sentence, the subject does the action and the direct object receives the action. Only sentences with a direct object can be made into passive voice sentences.


Subject 主語
Verb (transitive) 及物動詞
Direct Object 直接賓語
Other 其他
a cake
for us.
will buy
some milk
for the children.
a letter
to Ann every week.
entering the house.
The maid
the bathroom

Exercise 1
I. Identifying the Direct Object

II. Passive Voice 被動語態
In a passive voice sentence, the subject receives the action.The doer of the action is placed after 'by' or is absent from the sentence.
主動語態句子中被動語態句子中,主語接受動作。做動作者被置於 'by' 之後或不存在。
3 steps to change the active voice to the passive voice: 由主動語態變成被動語態的三個步驟:
-- move the direct object to the subject of the sentence 將直接賓語移至句子的主語
-- move the subject to the end of the sentence and add 'by' 將主語移至句子末,並加上 'by'
-- change the verb form 改變動詞形式

See how to change a sentence from active voice to passive voice.

Subject 主語
Passive Verb 被動動詞
by + Object 賓語
Other 其他
A cake
was made
by Mary
for us.
Some milk
will be bought
by Tom
for the children.
A letter
is sent
by him
to Ann every week.
was seen
(by someone)
entering the house.
The bathroom
is cleaned
by the maid

Exercise 2
I. Recognizing the passive voice

III. Passive Verb Form 被動動詞形式
2 steps to change the verb form: 轉變動詞形式兩個步驟:
-- use the same tense 用相同時態
-- use the right form of 'be' and the past participle of the main verb 用 'be' 的正確形式及主動詞的過去分詞

Tense 時態
Subject 主語
Verb 動詞
be + past participle
by + Object 賓語
Simple Present A book is written by Tom.
Present Continuous A book is being written by Tom.
Present Perfect A book has been written by Tom.
Simple Past A book was written by Tom.
Past Continuous A book was being written by Tom.
Past Perfect A book had been written by Tom.
Simple Future A book will be written by Tom.
Future Continuous A book will be being written by Tom.
Future Perfect A book will have been written by Tom.

Exercise 3
I. Recognizing the passive verb form

I. Recognizing the correct verb form I
II. Recognizing the correct verb form II

Basic English Structure