
The chairman of the Council on Smoking and Health, Homer Tso, says the smoking ban that will come into effect on New Year's day contains some loopholes. He said while restaurants had to comply with the ban starting from next Monday, bars which also serve meals could be exempted until the middle of 2009.
吸煙與健康委員會主席左偉國認為,在一月一日落實禁煙,存在漏洞 。他表示,正當食肆在下星期一遵從禁煙,供應餐食的酒吧卻獲准延期執行至 2009 中 。


Premier Wen Jiabao praised Hong Kong 's economic achievements during a meeting with the Chief Executive, Donald Tsang, in Beijing . However, he urged Mr Tsang to keep a clear head when coping with the challenges to come.


Internet users in Hong Kong could face up to a week or more of disruptions as efforts get under way to repair underwater telecommunications cables damaged in Tuesday's earthquake off Taiwan .


The Centre for Health Protection appealed to people, including those travelling to Japan , to maintain strict personal and environmental hygiene to prevent acute gastroenteritis caused by norovirus infection. Winter is usually the peak season for norovirus outbreaks in Japan .
衛生防護中心 呼籲市民及前往日本的旅客,嚴格保持個人及環境衛生,預防感染由諾沃克病毒引致的腸胃炎。冬季通常是日本爆發諾沃克病毒感染的高峰期。


A survey conducted by the Department of Health revealed that more than 90 percent of respondents said they had good personal hygiene standards, such as washing their hands after going to the toilet. Almost all respondents stated that maintaining a hygienic environment should be the responsibility of every citizen.
衛生署的一項調查顯示, 超過九成的受訪者表示他們有良好的個人 衛 生標準,例如在如廁後洗手。 幾乎所有受訪者指出,每位市民都應負起保持環境 衛 生的責任。


International drug dealers are no longer using Hong Kong as a transit point for illicit substances -- it's now a destination for drugs, according to the Police Commissioner, Dick Lee. He said authorities would collaborate with other jurisdictions to stem the flow of drugs at the source.
警務處長李明逵表示, 毒販已不再以香港為毒品中轉站 , 香港近年已變為散貨地 。 李明逵又表示,警方會與外地執法部門加強合作,從源頭上堵截毒品。


Police arrested three men and seized a quantity of Ketamine and Ecstacy worth six million in Kowloon and Tuen Mum. Police believed believed that the drug dealers intended to supply the drugs to entertainment establishments in Kowloon during the holidays.
警方在屯門及九龍區檢獲總值約 600萬元的毒品,包括搖頭丸及「K仔」,三名男子被捕。警方相信,毒販想在節日期間,將這批毒品供應九龍區娛樂場所。


Heritage preservation concern groups staged a protest at Queen's Pier in Central, calling on the government to halt the demolition of the waterfront heritage. They expressed disappointment that the Chief Executive, Donald Tsang, has insisted on tearing down the structure despite strong opposition from the public.
保護文物關注團體在中環皇后碼頭舉行 示威,要求政府停止 清拆海旁文物。 儘管巿民強列反對, 特首曾蔭權要堅持清拆皇后碼頭, 他們對此表達不滿。


Four men were jailed for 30 days each for killing two dogs for food - the first time a custodial sentence has been imposed for such an offence. The magistrate said a prison sentence was needed to discourage the men from re-offending.
四名男子因為屠宰兩隻狗進食,被判入獄三十日,是本港首宗因為吃狗肉而被判監的案例。 裁判法院法官判決時表示,判刑是要勸阻被告不要再犯。


Hong Kong 's inflation accelerated. In November, the overall consumer prices rose by 2.2% compared with that a year ago. The acceleration was mainly due to price increases in the prices of clothing and footwear as well as some basic foodstuff . The government pointed out that inflation in food prices was driven by an appreciation of the Renminbi.
本港通脹持續擴大。 11 月的消費物價指數較去年同期上升 2.2% 。 升幅擴大主要是由於衣履及部分基本食品價格上升所致。 政府解釋,受人民幣升值的影響,入口內地食品價格上漲。

21/12/06 Hongkong Electric is to increase its tariffs by 2 to 3 per cent in next year, while CLP Power will maintain its rate – prompting lawmakers to call for a freeze in power charges.
20/12/06 A residential site on The Peak has become the most expensive piece of land in the world. It was bought by Sun Hung Kai for 1.8 billion dollars at the fourth land auction of the current financial year. The final price represented a record of over 42-thousand dollars a square foot.
19/12/06 The government says a quarter of the 16-thousand non-civil service contract positions will be switched to permanent ones. This follows a review of the government's current staffing level. But incumbent staff won't automatically be given permanent posts, as these will be opened to competition.
18/12/06 Congratulations! You are the Time magazine "Person of the Year." The winners this year were anyone using or creating content on the World Wide Web. World Wide Web has affected millions of people and opened the new digital democracy, as the magazine put it.

The observatory yesterday issued the first cold weather warning this winter, with temperatures forecast to drop to about 12 degrees last night. It said Hong Kong is being affected by a winter monsoon, which will bring cold and dry weather. The government opened nine temporary shelters throughout the territory for people in need of refuge from the cold.
天文台昨日發出入冬以來首個寒冷天氣警告,晚間的氣溫將下降至 12度,本港正受到一股寒冷及乾燥的冬季季候風影響。政府在各區開放臨時避寒中心,供有需要的市民避寒。


The marriage of Henderson Land chairman's youngest son Martin Lee Ka-shing, and Cathy Chui Chi-kay, a model-actress stole the show in Sydney Friday when the "wedding of the century" was held at the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney. The event was reported to have cost the Lee family about HK$100 million.
痚禰業二公子李家誠與模特兒藝人徐子淇的世紀婚禮,昨日在悉尼 的「 The Royal Botanic Gardens」舉行。據報世紀婚禮耗費逾億元的。


Pregnant mainland women with tourist permits could be denied entry at the border if the purpose of their visit is anything other than tourism. This was disclosed by the Secretary for Security, Ambrose Lee, as top officials met to discuss ways to curb the influx of pregnant mainland women giving birth in the territory.
保安局長李少光在研究抑制內地孕婦來港產子的會議後透露, 持旅遊許可證來港的內地孕婦,可被拒入境,如入境目的並非旅遊。


A woman convicted of ordering and funding a plot to chop off her seven-year-old stepson's right hand was jailed for 12 years. The judge said he had reduced her sentence by one-third because the defendants pleaded guilty.
七歲男童被斬案, 主謀繼母, 在高等法院被判處監禁 12 年。 法官表示,因被告認罪,刑期減三分一。


The court of first instance rejected an appeal by a man who was convicted and jailed in a landmark case involving the use of BitTorrent technology. Chan Nai-ming received a three month sentence for infringing copyright by making three films available on the internet. He was the first person in the world to be convicted of such an offence.
高等法院駁回陳乃明,違反版權條例,透過 BT技術與網友分享電影的上訴。去年一月被告利用BT技術,與網友分享3齣電影,違反版權條例罪名成立,判入獄3個月,成為全球首宗案例。


Hong Kong 's pan-democratic camp says it has secured more than 100 seats in the 800-member Election Committee, possibly paving the way for a contested race for the post of Chief Executive next March. Of the 137 candidates fielded by the pan-democratic camp, 114 gained seats.
香港泛民主派表示,已在八百人選舉委員會中取得超過 100席,為明年三月推選下屆行政長官 鋪路。 泛民主派共派出 137 名候選人,共取得 114席。

11/12/06 More than 56 thousand people cast their votes to choose an 800-member Election Committee which will elect Hong Kong's next Chief Executive. The turnout rate was a record-high 25 percent. Political analysts said the relatively high turnout would favour Civic Party challenger Alan Leong Kah-kit, who is seeking 100 nominations from the winners to stand against Donald Tsang Yam-kuen.

The Secretary for Home Affairs, Dr Patrick Ho, congratulated Wang Chen and Yip Pui-yin on winning a gold and a silver respectively in the Badminton Women's Singles in the Asian Games in Doha.


All through-trains traveling between Hong Kong and Guangzhou were suspended for more than four hours due to urgent repair work across the border . Train services to Guangzhou resumed at about 1pm .

8/12/06 The Centre for Food Safety revealed that three samples of saltwater fish it collected in the past few days were found to contain a small amount of banned antibiotic. The contaminated samples, including pompano, flowery garoupa and tiger garoupa, were provided by a ParknShop Superstore in Tai Kok Tsui and a seafood wholesaler in Kwun Tong.
7/12/06 The Legislative Council passed a law increasing the penalties for cruelty to animals such as hitting, kicking or torturing animals. The maximum penalty will be raised to a fine of 200,000 dollars and three years in jail. The Ariculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department said the new penalty would send a clear message that animal cruelty would not be tolerated.
6/12/06 The Financial Secretary Henry Tang Ying-yen yesterday shelved the plan to introduce the goods and services tax, saying that the time is not right. He noted that a sales tax lacked public support. But the government is continuing public consultation on other options to broaden the tax base.
5/12/06 A cleaning worker supported by two legislators applied to the High Court for a judicial review against the government's refusal to enact minimum wage legislation. The cleaner who works ten hours daily for a contractor hired by Kowloon Motor Bus earns $3,400 a month, which she says is insufficient to make ends meet.
4/12/06 Cyclist Wong Kam Po won Hong Kong's first gold medal at the Asian Games in Doha. The 33-year-old won the men's cycling road race. He managed to hold off the challengers of Iran and South Korea in a sprint to the finish, completing the shortened 156-kilometre course in three hours 45-minutes and two seconds.

The Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Wu Bangguo, urged Hong Kong people to look at the big picture and bear in mind the spirit of unity and inclusiveness, particularly in handling differences and disputes. He urged Hong Kong to give economic development top priority.
人大委員長吳邦國 要求港人 維護香港整體利益, 要以團結包容精神,處理本港的矛盾及分歧, 將經濟發展作為第一任務 。


The Department of Health has launched a series of publicity activities on World AIDS Day 2006, to raise public awareness on the prevention of AIDS and promote safer sex practice. The theme this year is 'Stop AIDS, Keep the Promise'.
為響應「 2006 年世界愛滋病日」, 衛生署將推出一連串的推廣活動,增進各界對預防愛滋病的認識,及進一步推廣安全性行為。今年的 主題 是「堅守承諾,共抗愛滋」。

1/12/06 A survey has found that 80 per cent of young people polled do not want to become legislators. Of the survey's 1,000 respondents, 37 per cent said they based decisions about which legislators to support mainly on their past records and where they stand on social and economic issues. Only 7.3 per cent said a legislator's political stance was a key factor.
30/11/06 Five of the six people who planned, organised, and carried out a brutal chopper attack on a seven year-old boy in Tsuen Wan last year, were sentenced to prison terms ranging from 2 to 18 years. The chopping attack was one of the wickedest to have come before the courts in recent years and the people involved deserved severe punishment, the judge said yesterday.
男童岑浩賢被斬傷的案件,六名被告,其中5名計畫,組織及執行者,分別被判入獄 2至18年。法官表示,這個案件是他近年審訊中最狠毒的案件,故牽涉案件者應要重判。
29/11/06 Mainland and HK team up to enhance safety of food for supply to HK. A series of enhancement measures will be enforced. Eggs for supply to Hong Kong should be accompanied with health certificates. Both sides agreed to further study the mechanism for handling freshwater fish coming into the Hong Kong market from improper channels.
Mainland pianist Lang Lang yesterday became the first new Hong Kong resident under the Immigration Department's quality migrant admission scheme. The 24-year-old pianist prefers Hong Kong because it is a vibrant city and it allows him to retain his status as a Chinese citizen.
27/11/06 The work "Slave and Lion" by the renowned Chinese artist, Xu Beihong, smashed the record for a Chinese oil painting. It sold for 53.9 million Hong Kong dollars at a Christie's auction in Hong Kong. The painting was created in 1924. It depicts the story of the Roman slave, who pulled a thorn from a lion's paw.

The Commissioner of Police, Dick Lee, confirmed that two police officers had been detained in connection with a blackmail case. He said some officers from Mong Kok police station are also being questioned. Mr Lee stressed that police considered it a serious matter.
警務處長李明逵證實, 兩名警員涉嫌與一宗勒索案有關,被警方拘留。 旺角警區部分警務人員亦被查問。李明逵表示,警隊一定會嚴格處理今次事件。


The Government has urged fish vendors to immediately stop sales of freshwater grouper, after eleven out of fifteen samples taken from markets across the territory tested positive for the banned carcinogen, malachite green.
在化驗十五個桂花魚樣本中,其中十一個驗出違禁致癌藥物孔雀石綠 ,政府要求 魚檔停售桂花魚 。

24/11/06 The High Court has ruled against the Catholic Diocese over a legal challenge to the government's reform of the school management system. The court rules that religious freedom does not extend to a veto on education policies. The government has a right to regulate the management of aided schools for the purpose of accountability.
23/11/06 Two out of five samples of Turbot fish sold locally have been found to contain the potentially cancer-causing chemical Malachite Green. The samples came from stalls in Pei Ho Street wet market. The importers had agreed to stop shipping them, and surveillance was being stepped up to ensure supplies did not reach the market.
22/11/06 Hong Kong's economy expanded more than expected in the third quarter as soaring stock prices and an improved job market boosted private consumption. Government figures released yesterday show gross domestic product rose 6.8 percent in the third quarter. The government has raised its economic forecast for this year from 5 to 6.5 per cent.
21/11/06 Hong Kong Customs officers cracked 15 cases of transnational drug trafficking by means of internal concealment at the Hong Kong International Airport in the past two weeks. About 30 kilograms of high-grade heroin were seized and 15 Africans arrested. They each had swallowed 1 to 2 kilos of the drug in specially wrapped pellets.
20/11/06 The authorities of Fujian discovered 6,000 eggs which they suspect might contain carcinogenic Red Sudan dyes. The eggs were found in two retail outlets and a supermarket. They were believed to come from suppliers in Hubei province. Food and Environmental Hygiene officials here say they are contacting mainland authorities to see whether the tainted eggs have been imported into the territory.

The world's largest passenger plane, the Airbus A-three-eighty, arrived in Hong Kong on a test flight. The Airport Authority has invested one hundred million Hong Kong dollars to upgrade facilities in order to accommodate the world's largest passenger aircraft. Improvements included widening taxiways and upgrading parking stands.
全球最大的客機,空中巴士 A380試飛,抵達香港。機管局已投放一億元提升機場設施,適合A380型飛機升降,包括擴 闊 滑行道及改裝兩個停機位。


A fan of female pop-singer, Ella Koon, was jailed for two months for kissing her on stage during a performance. The magistrate said the act was clearly premeditated. He said such behaviour was vulgar and indecent and a jail-term was necessary to serve as a deterrent.
非禮在台上演出藝人官恩娜的男歌迷,被判入獄兩個月。 裁判官表示被告有計劃犯案, 被告的行為粗鄙和猥瑣, 因此要入獄以儆效尤 。

17/11/06 The Social Welfare Department has been criticized for overpaying people claiming disability allowances. The Ombudsman said it had discovered more than 6000 cases of overpayment in the past five years, amounting to 21-million dollars. And in one case, an applicant was given an allowance of HK$200,00 even though he had been dead for 15 years.
16/11/06 Auditor Commission criticized the Hospital Authority for being too slow to recover debts from patients - after discovering that people had defaulted on fees totalling 322-million dollars over the past five years. Non-residents, mostly mainland pregnant women, owed two-thirds of this. It is suggested that people who fail to pay for their public hospital care will face a penalty surcharge.
15/11/06 The government has decided to expand its education voucher scheme to private kindergartens, but only for a transition period of two years. The Secretary for Education, Arthur Li, said public money would not be used to fund profit-making kindergartens in the long term, and the interim measure aimed only to help parents whose children were already enrolled in profit-making kindergartens.
14/11/06 Chan Kau-tai, father of Canto-pop star Eason Chan Yik-shun, has been found guilty of nine counts of accepting bribes from government building contractors. The amount involved totalled one and a half million dollars. The bribes came from building contractors and suppliers while Mr. Chan was working as a chief building services engineer for the government.
歌星陳奕迅的父親陳裘大,收受政府工程承包商利益,總數達一百五十萬,被裁定9項貪污罪 名成立。陳裘大在職房屋署總屋宇裝備工程師時,收受承包商及供應商賄款。
13/11/06 The police have charged a 43-year-old man in connection with a triple murder in Lok Fu. Police arrested the suspect after his wife and two daughters were found dead inside a flat in Hong Keung Court. The family had sought assistance from police four times in the past two years, the police chief said yesterday.

The old Star Ferry Pier in Central, which has served Hong Kong for 48 years, closed as the lights of the Star Ferry pier in Central went out at midnight last night. Thousands of people were reluctant to part the old pier.
服務市民 48 年的中環舊天星碼頭關閉 ,在午夜 12 時燈光熄滅。過千名市民對舊碼頭依依不捨。


A child development saving scheme will be "considered seriously" by the government to help young people escape poverty, the financial secretary said yesterday.

10/11/06 Police claim success in anti-vice drive. They have closed down more than 64 brothels and other vice establishments such as massage parlours and one-prostitute flats in Mong Kok so far this year. In a show of determination, more than 91,000 pornographic discs and 303 signboards were publicly destroyed at Mong Kok police station yesterday.
9/11/06 Hong Kong's former director of health, Margaret Chan, was chosen to become director-general of the World Health Organisation, the first Chinese to head a major United Nations organisation. The Chief Executive, Donald Tsang, congratulated Margaret Chan via telephone. He said Hong Kong people would share his joy and excitement.
8/11/06 More than 1,100 people paid their last respects to "renowned patriot" Henry Fok Ying-tung yesterday at the Hong Kong Funeral Home in North Point. Fok was praised for his contributions to the country's economic and sporting development and charity work. Fok also paid an important role in Hong Kong's smooth transition and the implementation of "one country, two systems".
7/11/06 Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp lowered its interest and deposit rates by a quarter percentage point in a surprise move yesterday, its first cut in two years. HSBC's move was immediately matched by Bank of China and Bank of East Asia. More banks may follow suit as excessive liquidity remains in the banking system.
6/11/06 The Minister of Health, Gao Qiang, has expressed great confidence in Margaret Chan's chances of becoming the next director general of the World Health Organization. Doctor Chan- Hong Kong's former health director - is expected to be among the five candidates on the shortlist when the WHO's executive board meets today in Geneva. Doctor Chan will face fierce competition from 10 other contenders.
衛生部長高強表示,有信心陳馮富珍可以在世衛總幹事選舉勝出。陳馮富珍 -香港前衛生署長- 可期望在今日日內瓦執委會晉身五強。陳太將會面對其他十個強大對手的挑戰。

The police arrested a 37-year-old taxi driver in connection with an assault on a teenage girl in Chai Wan. The police say the man tried to push her into a taxi while she was walking to school but was stopped by passersby. He was later arrested. The girl suffered head injuries and was taken to hospital for treatment.
警方拘捕一名 37歲的士司機,涉嫌與柴灣一宗少女被襲案有關。警方表示,受害人在步行回校中,該名男子企圖將她推上一部的士,被他途人喝止。警方其後將他拘捕。女學生頭部受傷送院治療。

4/11/06 A self-confessed loner with personality disorders pleaded guilty to stealing a kiss from pop star Ella Koon Yun-na in a televised show. The accused 24-year-old trainee library assistant could spend more time behind bars as the magistrate said his act was premeditated and disgusting.
3/11/06 A hill fire said to be the biggest in a decade continued to burn through Tai Lam Country Park and 65,000 trees were destroyed. Since Chung Yeung Festival, 136 fires have broken out. The Fire Services Department said the cause was still unknown but burnt offering left behind by grave sweepers or a discarded cigarette were prime suspects.
2/11/06 An Indonesian maid who admitted sneaking into a hospital's intensive-care unit and taking video pictures of ailing actress Lydia Shum Din-ha was jailed for four weeks. Magistrate said the defendent had never disclosed who was the mastermind behind the move. And he said no patient, well-known or not, should be harassed.
1/11/06 A Christian preacher who used the story of Adam and Eve to persuade a 15-year-old girl into sexual acts was sentenced to 40 months in jail. The judge said the preacher had twisted the teachings of the Bible to pressure his victim and a heavy deterrent sentence was required. The judge said the girl had suffered irreparable psychological and mental damage.
31/10/06 A survey has found that fastfood customers use nearly 27-million disposable utensils per month during lunchtime. Green Sense observed nearly 9-thousand dine-in consumers in five local fastfood chains and found that each, on average per meal, used nine environmentally-unfriendly items, including plastic cups, wrappers and spoons.
一項調查發現,快餐店顧客於午飯時間,每個月使用即棄用品,約二千七百萬件。環保觸覺到五間主要快餐連鎖店,觀察九千名堂食顧客,發現平均每名顧客每次使用八件以上的即棄用品, 包括塑膠杯、包裝袋及匙。

The Permanent Secretary for Education and Manpower, Fanny Law, said that now would be the right time for her to leave her post, as major education policy has been implemented. She was responding to reports that she had been appointed to head the Independent Commission Against Corruption.


Henry Fok Ying-tung, vice-chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, died in Beijing last night. He was 83. Born on a sampan, he made millions after the second world war with an empire that covered real estate, hotels and oil. He later became a state leader.
全國政協副主席霍英東在北京病逝,享年 83歲。在舢板上出生, 霍英東在第二次世界戰後發財,他的王國 覆蓋地產、酒店和石油。後來更成為國家領袖。

28/10/06 The Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority announced the results of the territory-wide assessment. 31.4 percent of Form Three students failed basic competency tests for the English language. The pass rates of Chinese and Mathematics were 75.6% and 78.4% respectively.
考評局公布「全港性系統評估結果」,有 31.4% 中三學生未 達標。中文科及數學科達標率分別是 75.6%和78.4%。
27/10/06 The Privacy Commissioner has held the Independent Police Complaints Council responsible for the leaking of personal data on the Internet. The incident - which happened in March - involved the information of more than 20,000 people who had filed complaints against the police. The council had breached the Personal Data Ordinance and failed to take precautionary measures to safeguard the data.
26/10/06 The debut flight of the budget carrier, Oasis, from Hong Kong to London was cancelled after Russia refused it permission to fly over its territory. More than 300 passengers stayed on the plane for 5 hours. The flight is scheduled to take off this afternoon. The carrier is advertising one-way economy-class tickets to London for HK$1,000 for the first month of operations.
25/10/06 A new study has shown that diabetes is becoming a growing economic burden to Hong Kong. Direct and indirect medical costs incurred by both patients and the government has been soaring. It is estimated that there are 550,000 diabetes patients in Hong Kong and their ages have been lowering. Medical experts say this type of diabetes is largely preventable.
24/10/06 More than 200 angry tour guides yesterday denounced the Travel Industry Council for hitting at the wrong target over forced shopping for mainland tour groups and threatened to escalate their fight unless the council apologises and goes after the real culprits.
23/10/06 More than 20 activists set sail from Hong Kong for the Diaoyu Islands in an attempt to claim sovereignty for China. The boat is expected to arrive at the Diaoyu Islands on Wednesday. The voyage marks the 10th anniversary of the drowning of activist David Chan, who was trying to reach the islands. It's also the 10th anniversary of the last successful landing there.

Representatives of non-profit making kindergartens said the government should extend the education voucher scheme to their profit-making counterparts. The chairman of the Non-profit Making Kindergarten Council, Yeung Chui-chun, said the proposal would ensure the provision of adequate resources and would therefore benefit students.


The Transport Advisory Committee has put forward a number of suggestions to halt the recent spate of fatal accidents involving reversing lorries. These included limiting the speed of reversing vehicles to five kilometres an hour and fitting proximity sensors to assist drivers.
交諮會提出幾項建議,以 阻止近日發生的 貨車倒車的嚴重意外,包括限制倒車時速,不能超過 5 公里及安裝倒車響號設備。

20/10/06 Legislators have passed a controversial bill that will ban smoking in public areas such as restaurants, workplaces, karaokes, beaches, parks, schools and hospitals from January 1, 2007. Some entertainment premises, including mahjong parlours, bars and saunas, will be given until July 2009 to comply.
立法會通過富爭議的吸煙修訂條例,明年一月一日,嚴禁在室內食肆、辦公室、卡拉OK,海灘、公園、學校及醫院等公眾場所吸煙 。在娛樂場所方面,包括麻雀館、夜總會、酒吧及浴室,就會延遲至零九年七月才全面禁煙。
19/10/06 A deaf mute man with a history of mental illness was arrested on suspicion of killing his 69-year-old mother. The victim was found in a pool of blood with cut wounds on her neck in her North Point flat. A sharp knife suspected to be linked to the case had been found in the flat.

One person was killed and 12 injured when a KMB double-decker bus mounted a pavement yesterday in Waterloo Road, Mong Kok. The roof of the bus was ripped off when it smashed through pavement railings and into a building. The injured, who were taken to Kwong Wah Hospital, included pedestrians and passengers from the upper deck.

17/10/06 The Financial Secretary, Henry Tang, has offered concessions on a sales tax. Mr. Tang was speaking two days before legislative councillors are scheduled to debate a motion urging the government to drop plans for a goods and services tax. Mr. Tang said that he was willing to consider exemptions for public transport, public medical fees and subsidised school fees.
16/10/06 The Travel Industry Council is investigating reports that a tour guide had forced a group of Qinghai tourists to buy goods and left them on their own for about 20-minutes. The Council will hold an emergency board meeting to discuss the matter. The tourist guide concerned has been suspended from his job.

The Secretary for Education, Arthur Li, disclosed that about four fifth of the profit-making kindergartens here are not up to its standards. He said the kindergartens that were below standard were not teaching children properly, making them sleep during classes and making three-year-olds learn difficult English words.


An "encouraged and pleased" Albert Ho Chun-yan said yesterday that police had made a breakthrough in arresting five suspects in connection with his brutal beating. The suspects, four men and one woman, are all Hong Kong residents. One of them was arrested on the mainland.
歡欣的何俊仁表示,警方取得突破,拘捕五名疑犯,涉嫌同遇襲案有關。被拘捕疑犯四男一女,均是香港居民, 其中一人在內地落網。

13/10/06 Donald Tsang Yam-kuen's second policy address dropped sharply in the polls, with his address rating even lower than Tung Chee-hwa's final policy address. It scored an average of 55.8, nearly 10 points less than his first score of 66.4 last year, according to a survey by the Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong.
12/10/06 In his last policy address, Donald Tsang Yam-kuen delivered a HK$50 billion package, mainly targeting the environment and preschool education. He ruled out legislating on a minimum wage. He announced subsidies to help parents send their children to kindergartens and cutting down first-registration tax on environmentally-friendly vehicles.
11/10/06 There has been a 56-percent rise in complaints by mainland visitors in the first nine months of the year, compared to the same period last year. However, the Travel Industry Council said the increase was due to greater consumer awareness, rather than poorer services.
10/10/06 Five double-deckers were stolen from depots in Tuen Mun, Kwai Hing and Kwai Fong. All five buses were eventually retrieved undamaged and no money was stolen. A lawmaker said the incident posed a threat to road users and he called for tighter security at bus depots.
9/10/06 An angry mother allegedly slit her daughter's fingers with a knife after the seven-year-old girl refused to do her homework. Police received a report from the woman's husband and arrested the mother. A social worker urged parents to stay calm and regain some self-control when they are emotionally disturbed.

The Leisure and Cultural Service Department said the amount of rubbish collected overnight after the Mid-Autumn Festival was less than last year. Workers collected 106-tonnes of waste in parks - down from 112 tonnes a year ago. The number of warnings issued was down 15-percent , showing that citizens were self-disciplined.
今年中秋節收集到的垃圾數量比去年減少。工人一共收集到 106噸垃圾,比去年的112噸有所減少。發出口頭警告的數字比去年減少15%,反映市民自律。


A Nobel prize winning economist, Milton Friedman, has criticized the Chief Executive, Donald Tsang, for shifting Hong Kong 's economic policy away from 'positive non-interventionism.' Mr Friedman said Hong Kong will no longer be such a shining symbol of economic freedom.
諾貝爾經濟學獎得主佛利民 批評特首曾蔭權,指政府已放棄積極不干預政策。佛利民表示, 香港「將不再是自由經濟的閃亮象徵了」。

6/10/06 A lorry reversing down a lane in Western knocked down and killed an elderly woman. She was the fourth person to have been killed in accidents involving reversing trucks in just over a month. There have been urgent calls for the government to amend traffic regulations to improve road safety.
5/10/06 An elderly mainland illegal immigrant who apparently hid under a cross-border coach to sneak into Hong Kong died after he was dragged for about 100 metres under the vehicle in Yau Ma Tei. Police believed the man hid in the undercarriage of the coach, and was killed when he tried to climb out.
4/10/06 The Civic Party has nominated legislator, Alan Leong, to stand in the next election for Chief Executive to be held in March next year. Mr Leong pledged to try his best to obtain the required 100 nominations from the 800 members of the Election Committee. He also said that whatever the outcome of the election, he hoped his participation would bring real competition to the race.
公民黨推舉立法會議員梁家傑參予明年 3月的行政長官選舉。梁家傑誓言盡力在選委會取得100票提名。梁家傑表示,無論選舉結果如何,希望透過今次的選舉,可以帶來一場真正的競賽。
3/10/06 More than 600 demonstrators from over 40 unions took to the streets yesterday to demand a minimum wage. They set off from Wan Chai and marched to Government House, waving flags and banners and chanting slogans. They want legislation for a minimum wage of HK$30 per hour.

Around 50 residents of Tin Shui Wai protested against the KCRC's plan to cancel Light Rail route 761. They marched on to the railway tracks to express their dissatisfaction. The Democratic Party, which organised the protest, said they were angry because the rail company had earlier promised to temporarily halt the plan, but then announced that it would cancel the route on the 8th of this month.
約五十名天水圍居民,不滿輕鐵即將取消 761 號線,在路軌巡遊。發起行動的民主黨表示,九鐵早前承諾暫時擱置取消 761 線的計劃,但其後卻在本月八日取消。


About 450 passengers were stranded in mid-air for more than 20-minutes yesterday when technical problems halted the Lantau cable car service. Earlier, strong winds delayed the service for about 40-minutes.
昂坪 360纜車昨天早上因強風,要延遲40分鐘開車,其後又因訊號故障,停駛23分鐘, 四百五十名 乘客被困車廂 二十三分鐘。


Setting out his philosophy of "pragmatic politics" for governance, Donald Tsang Yam-kuen warned yesterday that politicians who stuck too firmly to their political ideals would eventually be "displaced by time".

29/9/06 The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department said id 200 traps designed to measure the prevalence of mosquitos in the territory ha d been tampered with. It ha d referred the cases to the police to see whether any criminal elements were involved.
食環署表示,發現 200個誘蚊產卵器受到干擾,事件已轉介警方調查,是否涉及刑事成份。

Anson Chan Fang On-sang yesterday said the concept of "strong governance" as preached by Donald Tsang Yam-kuen was not a virtue in itself, and the government's plan to reform its ministerial system would only consolidate power in the hands of the chief executive.
陳方安昨日表示, 曾蔭權 「強政勵治」理念並不是美德。政府建議委任更多政治任命的官員,她擔心這樣會把大權集中在行政長官手中。

27/9/06 A couple who locked their 10-year-old son in a suitcase, causing him to suffocate to death, pleaded guilty in the High Court to manslaughter. The couple said they were only trying to discipline the boy. The couple's barrister said the pair's greatest punishment was “the anguish that will last for the rest of their lives”.
一對夫婦為教訓十歲大的兒子,把他鎖入行李箱,兒子其後被焗死。夫婦兩人在高等法院承認誤殺罪。兩名被告的律師表示,兩夫婦最大的懲擛O: 一世都會活在痛苦之中。
26/9/06 A taxi driver was arrested in connection with a fatal hit-and-run accident in which an elderly woman was killed in Sheung Shui last week. He was trying to fix the dented bonnet of the cab at his Yuen Long house. Police say the man will face a number of charges, including causing death by dangerous driving.
25/9/06 Strong winds disrupted the Ngong Ping Cable car on Lantau for a second day, keeping frustrated passengers waiting. Because of the strong winds, the speed of the cable car was reduced to 4 metres per second from 5 metres, adding 5 more minutes to the traveling time. Six thousand people took the ride yesterday - about a thousand less than expected.

The new Ngong Ping cable car service was disrupted yesterday morning because of strong winds. A queue of about 100 people formed when the service was suspended, but it began operating again about ten minutes later.
昂坪纜車昨日早上因為強風暫停服務。有大約百多名遊客在車站外大排長龍, 但約在 10 分鐘後重開 。

23/9/06 Anson Chan Fang On-sang will announce today she will not run for chief executive, putting an end to speculation about her ambitions for the top job.
22/9/06 According to a survey, most people want to have children. However, nine out of 10 people think that having children will increase their financial burden and stress. The organization that carried out the survey suggested the government should instil traditional Chinese values and provide incentives for having babies.
21/9/06 A married man was found guilty of outraging public decency after he posted online invitations to a gang rape, even though he had no real intent to commit the attack. The 42-year-old man posted two internet invitations on a message board, calling for interested parties to team up in a "flash mob rape" last year.
20/9/06 A new scheme to prevent depositors from losing their savings if a bank fails, is to be launched next Monday. Under the plan, depositors will receive compensation of up to 100-thousand dollars within six weeks of a bank folding. All local banks will have to make contributions to a 1.3 billion dollar fund.
19/9/06 A 50-year-old woman died after being knocked down by a reversing rubbish truck in Mongkok. The truck's driver has been arrested for driving without a valid licence and dangerous driving causing death. A legislator called for tighter controls over truck operations. He said there had been a spate of accidents involving lorries and the government should take action.
18/9/06 Shoppers bid farewell to department store Mitsukoshi last night as it closed its doors for the last time in Causeway Bay. The 25-year-old store, which opened in 1981, was one of the Japanese department stores that symbolised the retailing boom in the 1980s. Mitsukoshi was forced to close because landlord Hysan Development refused to renew its lease last year.

The first auction of more than 200 personalised vehicle registration plates raised 11-million dollars. The highest amount of 1.4 million was paid for the plate "1 LOVE U". It costs HK$450,000 to be C00L or HK$300,000 to be the K1NG, but "1 LOVE U" is worth more than anything.
首個自訂車牌拍賣會總共錄得一千一百萬元收入。最高成交價是「 1 L0VE U 」的車牌,以一百四十萬元投得。 要 「 C00L 」或且 要成為 「 K1NG 」,便要花費四十五 萬或三十萬,但 一句「我愛你」 比任何東西更有價值。


A survey by the Hong Kong Liver Foundation reveals that owing to superstition one in three citizens would refuse to donate their organs after death and they would also turn down requests for organ donation for their deceased relatives as well. More than 130 patients are currently on the waiting list for liver transplants.
香港肝壽基金一個調查顯示,三分一的市民因為迷信而拒絕自己或家人去世後捐出器官。 目前有超過 130 人輪候肝臟移植。

15/9/06 At seven fifty-five yesterday evening, the Hong Kong Observatory recorded an earthquake, measuring 3.5 on the Richter scale, in the sea area around Dangan Island about 36 kilometres south-southeast of Hong Kong. Many residents throughout the territory reported buildings and furniture shaking lightly for several seconds.
14/9/06 Results of tests on mooncakes and sushi conducted by the Centre for Food Safety were all satisfactory. Despite the satisfactory results, the Centre for Food Safety warned members of public to properly store and handle mooncakes and sushis. Snowy and ice-cream mooncakes, in particular, should be kept at proper temperature and maintained in good condition
13/9/06 The Number One Standby signal remains in force as a tropical depression in the northern part of the South China Sea is moving toward Hainan Island. Based on the forecast track, the chance of issuing No. 3 strong wind signal in this morning is not high. However, under the concurrent influence of the northeast monsoon, winds over offshore waters are occasionally strong.
一號戒備信號仍然生效。集結在南海北部一個熱帶低氣壓正移向海南島。按照現時預測途徑,今早改發3號強風信號的機會不大 ;不過,由於同時受到東北季候風影響,香港離岸海域間中吹強風。
12/9/06 The long delayed Lantau cable car system will open next Monday. It had been scheduled to open in June, but teething problems forced the Mass Transit Railway Corporation to carry out more test runs. The system will now open in time for the National Day golden week. It links Tung Chung with Po Lin monastery and the Big Buddha.

Protesters demonstrated outside Hong Kong Disneyland, accusing three mainland companies of supplying products to Disney while paying workers substandard wages. The protest came just ahead of the park's first anniversary on Tuesday. The protesters composed of scholars and university students accused three factories in southern China of underpaying and over-working their workers.

10/9/06 A survey has revealed that the problem of obesity among school children is getting worse. There is a trend for younger people to become more vulnerable to obesity-related health problems. Tuck shops in schools should provide a wider range of food with high nutrition value.

A former head of the police Organised Crime and Triad Bureau, Stephen Fung, leapt to his death from a public housing estate block yesterday - six months after trying to take his own life by burning charcoal.


The two Queen's College students who admitted they tried to rob a Chinese herbalist were spared from going to prison. One was sent to a correctional institute and another was ordered to perform 240 hours of community service. The judge said the pair had the courage to admit their mistakes.
兩名皇仁書院學生,承認企圖搶劫中醫,可免入獄 。一人被判入教導所,另一人被判接受社會服務令二百四十小時。法官表示,兩名被告有勇氣認錯。

7/9/06 A police sergeant was shot in the thigh last night by an emotionally disturbed off-duty constable who grabbed another officer's revolver in a struggle in an Aberdeen underpass.
6/9/06 The government came under fire for turning a blind eye to the sale of cigarettes to minors after a survey finds 80 per cent of retailers are willing to sell them to under-age customers.
5/9/06 Hong Kong Disneyland yesterday announced that its visitor numbers are over the 5 million mark, while falling short of the first-year target of 5.6 million set when it opened last September.

A majority of the territory's popular hiking trails are now being covered by at least one local mobile network. Five additional new base stations have been erected this year, and three additional base stations to serve southern Lantau, Tai Lam Chung and eastern Sai Kung are in the pipeline.
全港大部分的熱門遠足徑,都最少有一個流動電話網絡覆蓋。 今年已有 5 個新基站落成,未來再有大嶼山南部、大欖涌及西貢東部等 3 個新基站落成。


The Executive Director of the Travel Industry Council, Joseph Tung, says the council is considering suspending the membership of travel agencies which violate its regulations. Mr Tung, also said that so-called "zero fee tours" have spoiled the image of Hong Kong and should therefore be scrapped.
旅遊業議會總幹事董耀中說,正考慮對違反守則的旅行社暫停會籍。「零團費」破壞香港形象,所以應該 廢棄 。

2/9/06 A man and his eleven-month old baby daughter died after being knocked down by a truck which was reversing on a slope in Central.
一名男子及其 11個月大女嬰,在中區斜路上被一輛正在倒車的貨車撞倒死亡。

Hong Kong journalist, Ching Cheong, was convicted of leaking state secrets by a Beijing court and sentenced to five years in prison. He was accused of buying information and passing it to Taiwan's intelligence services.
香港記者程翔被北京法院裁定洩露國家機密罪成,被判入獄 5年。程翔被指控收買情報,並將情報 轉交台灣 間諜組織。


The first auction for personalized automobile registration marks will take place on September 16th. Would-be bidders need to put up 5 thousand dollars for the reserve price and be present for the bidding.
第一次自訂車牌號碼拍賣會將於下月十六日舉行。競投人士需要繳交 5000元按金,並須參與競投。


Travel agencies from Guangzhou and Hong Kong signed an agreement regulating 98 dollars as the minimum fees for one-day local tours here, eliminating the so-called ‘ zero fee tours ' . Mainland travelers should not be compelled to do intensive shopping on arrival.
為取締「零團費」訪港旅行團,香港和廣州旅遊業界簽署備忘錄,協議廣州來港一天遊的 最 低 團 費 為 98 元,而且不能強迫旅客購物。


A 75-year-old Hong Kong man died of a heart attack on board the Qinghai to Tibet Railway. The man felt unwell because of mountain sickness and was admitted to hospital in Tibet . He later insisted on continuing with the journey with his wife and died after falling ill again on his return journey.


A survey by the American Chamber of Commerce shows that Hong Kong 's polluted air is driving away foreign professionals and threatening international investment. Almost all respondents were worried about the impact of Hong Kong's air pollution on their health.


Canto-pop idol Gillian Chung Yan-tung filed a police complaint yesterday, seeking an investigation into Easy Finder magazine for publishing pictures of her changing backstage during a concert in Malaysia .
被 《壹本便利》 刊登在馬來西亞登台期間後台更衣被偷拍照的女藝人鍾欣桐,昨日正式 報案 。


A local magazine which printed photos of a female actress changing her clothes is to be classified as 'indecent' by the Obscene Articles Tribunal. The body had come to this decision based on the wide gap in moral standards between the magazine, and the society-at-large.

25/8/08 A women's rights group urged the government to review existing laws and increase penalties against obscene publications. Last week, the magazine printed photos of a local pop singer changing her clothes

The Committee on Teacher's Work has found that administrative duties are largely responsible for pressure suffered by teachers.

23/8/06 Hong Kong 's economy grew 5.2 percent in the second quarter. The government economist, K.C. Kwok, says the outlook for trade depends on US economic growth and oil price movements, but he remains cautiously optimistic.
本港第二季經濟增長 5.2%。 政府經濟顧問郭國全說:貿易前景視乎美國經濟增長及油價變動,但他對本港經濟仍然審慎樂觀。

The police have pledged to spare no effort in investigating yesterday's attack on Democratic Party legislator, Albert Ho, and in tracking down the mastermind.


The Democratic Party vice-chairman Ho Chun-yan was assaulted inside a McDonald's outlet in Central shortly after taking part in a protest march against the proposed goods and services tax. Mr. Ho was attacked with wooden batons and baseball bats by 3 or 4 men wearing baseball caps.
民主黨副主席何俊仁昨午參加反銷售稅遊行後,在中環麥當勞餐廳內遇襲,遭 3 至 4 名手持木棍及以鴨舌帽遮臉的男子毆打。


A swimmer died after being run over by a speedboat at Clear Water Second Beach . An investigation has been opened to determine whether the accident may have been caused by a mechanical fault.


A 42-year man was sentenced to eight years in jail for assaulting several children. A High Court judge called for the setting up of database on sex offenders in an effort to stop them from repeatedly molesting children.


As a result of the current economic boom, employers are facing increasing difficulty recruiting and retaining talented staff, who are finding it easier to secure jobs.
經濟好轉 ,打工仔容易搵工,僱主在招聘和挽留有才幹的員工方面遇到困難。


Terminally ill patients and those in a persistent vegetative state should be able to state in advance on a form whether they wish to live or die, the Law Reform Commission proposed.
法律改革委員會建議,身陷病症末期或植物人狀況的病人,應可預先簽 訂一份指示,是否意願生存或死亡。


The chairman of the Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education, Daniel Heung, resigned. He had converted a government warehouse into a private residence without official approval.


According to a survey by the magazine "My Pet", more than 20-thousand dogs were deserted last year. The magazine said the government's policy barring pets in public housing has forced many to give up their animals.

14/8/06 ‘Sze Sir’, former operator of a private tutorial chain A1College, was convicted of dishonouring cheques issued to students. He was convicted on 20 counts of evasion of liability by deception. A1補習社「史Sir」向學生發「空頭」支票罪成立。他被裁定20項欺騙手段逃避法律責任罪成立。
13/8/06 29 tombstones at Gallant Garden, the cemetery honouring civil servants who died as heroes in the line of duty, were damaged. All the pictures on them were destroyed. The Government condemned the vandalism at the Gallant Gardens cemetery, describing it as senseless and a wanton act.

The Medical Council ban on advertising by doctors is contrary to the Basic Law, the High Court ruled. The case was brought by Dr Kwong Kwok-hay of Hong Kong Sanitarium, who argued against the ban that prevented the effective dissemination of information to the public.
高等法院裁定,不准西醫賣廣告的規定,違反基本法。 養和醫院鄺國熙醫生反對禁令,認為禁令限制醫生向公眾發放資訊。

11/8/06 Security measures have been tightened for all passengers heading to and transiting in London. Hand luggage has been banned.

RTHK's staff union has expressed concern over the appointment of an administrative officer, Gracie Foo, as the new deputy head of the broadcaster. The union's chairperson, Janet Mak, said she hoped Ms Foo would uphold the editorial independence of the station and strive for more resources for it.


Twenty-five local students scored A's in all ten subjects they took in this year's Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination -- the highest number of straight-A achievers in the past decade. 20300 students failed to get any points.
今年會考有 25名十優狀元,是十年紀錄以來最多。至於考獲0分的考生,則有二萬零三百人。

8/8/06 A Hong Kong resident, who had stolen his mother's passport and sold it, together with his own, to an unknown agent, had been sentenced to 21 months in jail.

The Labour Department and the Education and Manpower Bureau will provide a series of advisory and counselling services on further studies and careers for Secondary 5 students from August 7 until August 12.  


The covert surveillance bill was passed after the 17 pan-democrat legislators walked out on the vote to protest against the lack of a sunset clause.
17 名泛民主派議員,在「日落條款」被否決後,集體離開會議廳。立法會通過截取通訊條例。


Hong Kong has difficulty retaining talented mainlanders who study in the city because universities and the government provide little information or support to help them remain in the city to work, a mainland graduates' group warned yesterday.


More than 3,000 passengers were stranded by Typhoon Prapiroon at the airport last night. M ore than 300 flights were cancelled and 158 delayed, as cross winds at the airport made it unsafe to fly in and out.
颱風「派比安」令 3,000 多 名旅客昨晚滯留機場。由於機場有風切變,不利航機升降, 300多班航班取消、158班延遲。


Hong Kong and Guangdong have achieved a breakthrough in their talks on the proposed bridge linking Hong Kong , Zhuhai and Macau but have ruled out a unified immigration and customs clearance facility.


Police commenced the operation against failing to wear seat belts whilst on board a public light bus. The operation resulted in the issue of 113 verbal warnings and 337 summonses to passengers.


The Hong Kong Medical Council has expressed concern that some health insurance companies are imposing unreasonable contract conditions on doctors. It says doctors should carefully scrutinise such agreements to ensure the interests of their patients are protected.


A middle-aged man fell from a height of 10 metres when climbing rocks on the North Ninepin Island . Firefighters and marine police were called to the scene to join the rescue operation.
一名中年男子在北果洲群島攀石時,跌下 40 呎深崖死,消防員及水警到現場拯救。


Some 600 people participated in the latest trial of Ngong Ping 360 cable car . Tests cleared the way for cable car opening at the end of August.
六百人參加昂坪 360纜車測試,測試為8月啟用做好準備。

29/7/06 The former Hong Kong health chief who is a candidate to head the World Health Organisation believes backing from the city and central governments has given her an advantage over rivals.

500 people braved the rain, queuing for rice handouts at a Park in Kowloon City . Some of the people said the rain wouldn't stop them from following tradition and collecting free rice during the Hungry Ghost festival.
九龍城一公園舉行派米活動, 五百人冒雨排隊輪候派米 。有些人表示,大雨並不會妨礙他們遵守傳統會,在盂蘭節排隊輪候派米 。


A 13-year-old girl collapsed and died in the street after a night out with a friend in a Mongkok disco. She may have taken psychotropic drugs.
一名 13歲女童與朋友晚上去旺角 的士高玩,倒斃在街上。女童可能服食了精神科藥物 。


A family tragedy occurred in Ho Man Tin . A welfare recipient seen as a "warm-hearted guy" and a loving father attacked his wife and daughter with a knife before slashing his throat and leaping to his death.
何文田發生倫常悲劇, 一名被稱為熱心人和慈父的綜援男子斬傷妻女,割喉後跳樓身亡。


Typhoon Kaemi near Taiwan gave Hong Kong some of its strangest weather in a while, with residents in Sai Kung reporting hail and 2,000 lightning strikes in two hours.
颱風格美接近台灣,令本港天氣在一段時間內有異常的天氣, 西貢居民有冰雹報告,天文台在兩小時內錄得超過 2000次閃電 。


Four hikers - including a boy - were taken to hospital suffering from heat stroke. Most parts of the territory recorded temperatures of 33 degrees, with Ta Ku Ling in the New Territories hitting a high of 35.
四名行山者,包括一名男童, 中暑不適 ,需要送院。大部份地區的氣溫都錄得超過 33度, 其中打鼓嶺錄得35度。


The former governor, Chris Patten Chris Patten and finance chief Henry Tang Ying-yen became locked in a war of words with Patten's comment that he was unconvinced sales tax would benefit the territory and Mr Tang claiming the last governor left Hong Kong ill-prepared to deal with the Asian financial crisis.
前港督彭定康及財政司司長唐英年捲入公開的爭辯 , 彭定康表示,開徵商品及服務稅對香港沒有利,唐英年認為彭定康對亞洲金融風暴準備不足。


A man was sentenced to 80 hours of community work, for playing a prank on a bank. He was found guilty of disrupting public order. He wrote the word 'robbery' on his palm and showed it to staff. He thought staff would have recognised him as a frequent customer.
一名男子向銀行開玩笑,在手掌寫上「打劫」 二字,向職員展示,他被判八十小時社會服務令。他以為職員認得自己是熟客。

21/7/06 The Court of Final Appeal has ruled that a section of the Bankruptcy Ordinance, which restricts the freedom of travel of bankrupt people, is unconstitutional. The court held that this provision was too harsh and didn't take into account situations like emergencies.

The Court of Appeal has ruled against five foreign domestic helpers on the government's decision in 2003 to cut their minimum wage by 400 dollars, and impose a levy of the same amount on their employers.


The government has formally kicked off a nine-month consultation that could result in the introduction of a goods and services tax, catching the city's 7 million people and tens of millions of visitors in its tax net.


One man died and sixteen people were injured in a three-vehicle pile-up in Kwai Chung. An 8-year-old boy was in critical condition. The accident involved a truck, a double-decker bus and a lorry.
葵涌三車相撞的交通意外,導致一名男子死亡,16人受傷,其中一名8歲男童仍然危殆。意外涉及一部 貨 車、 一部雙層 巴士和 一部客貨車。

17/7/06 Dried seafood vendors in Sheung Wan who lost goods in the heaviest downpour on record yesterday morning have blamed the Drainage Services Department for failing to alert them by phone text warnings.

The Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology, Joseph Wong, has urged readers to boycott indecent publications. Mr Wong criticised some local magazines and newspapers for publishing pornographic and obscene material.
工商及科技局局長王永平 要求讀者抵制不雅刊物 ,王永平批評一些本地報刊,出版色情及不雅物品 。


Sources say the government is expected to announce three relief measures to lessen the impact of the new goods and services tax on families living on government welfare. The consultation paper will be unveiled next Tuesday.

14/7/06 There was a food poisoning outbreak at an old people's home in Kwai Chung. Five staff members and 33 residents at the home were struck down with symptoms ranging from abdominal pain to diarrhoea. But none needed hospitalization.
13/7/06 The Legislative Council's Public Accounts Committee expressed serious dismay over RTHK's failure to rectify a number of irregularities identified in audit reviews carried out over the past nine years.

A couple was sentenced to ten years in prison for the manslaughter of their four month old daughter. The judge said the couple's abuse of their 4 month old daughter was a very serious offence and that a deterrent sentence was necessary.


The civil service bureau will launch a dress-down campaign this summer as part of a government effort to reduce air pollution. The civil servants are reminded they don't have to wear a jacket and tie during the summer months.

10/7/06 Organisers of "Lights Out Hong Kong" are urging residents and businesses to switch off the lights in their homes and offices for three minutes at 8 pm on August 8th. They want the government to take a a strong stance on eliminating pollution.

The Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang presented the Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence to 42 teachers in appreciation of their exemplary teaching practices in mathematics and science, the two themes for this year's award.


The Mandatory Provident Fund recorded that annual returns have averaged 6.99 per cent over the past five years, beating inflation and the return on bank deposits, but lagging behind the benchmark Hang Seng share index.
強積金過去五年,平均回報率有 6.99% ,跑贏通脹及銀行存款,但落後於恆生指數。

7/7/06 HSBC has announced that it will adopt a five-day working week from September. But working hours will be extended on Saturdays, and ten branches will offer wealth management services on Sundays. To achieve these changes, the bank will hire 400 new staff.
6/7/06 The heads of Hong Kong's eight universities have announced new entry requirements for students undertaking undergraduate degrees in 2012. They must have good grades in Chinese, English, Maths and Liberal Studies. The new requirements will pave the way for the institutions to switch from three to four-year courses.
5/7/06 Australian jockey Chris Munce was arrested by the ICAC on suspicion of providing tips relating to his mounts during various races and accepting advantages from illegal bookmakers.
4/7/06 In view of the prolonged Norovirus season this year and the continual occurrence of Noroviral infection in some public hospitals, the Hospital Authority, in collaboration with the Centre for Health Protection, has taken a number of enhanced measures to address the outbreak situation.
3/7/06 About 300 light goods van drivers protested against high fuel charges with a slow drive to Central. They worried that government plans to scrap a tax allowance for ultra-low sulphur diesel from next year would affect their livelihood.

Tens of thousands took to the streets to call for universal suffrage. The organisers put the final figure at 58,000, while the police said 28,000 had taken part. One of the participants was the former Chief Secretary, Anson Chan, who said her participation was not meant to be a challenge to the central government.
數萬人上街遊行要求 普選 。主辦者估計有五萬八千人參與,而警方估計遊行人數在是二萬八千人 。 前政務司司長陳方安生參與今次遊行, 她表示她參加 遊行並沒有挑戰中央政府的意思。


A study by the Department of Health has found that most snacks sold by tuck shops in schools or brought to school by primary students are unhealthy. The department has produced a set of guidelines providing advice on how to choose healthy snacks, and help prevent diet-related diseases.
衛生署調查發現,小學小食部售賣的小食,及學童帶回學校的小食,大部份屬不健康。衛生署推出指引, 建議怎樣選擇健康小食及預 防與食物有關的疾病。

30/6/06 Beijing has granted Hong Kong firms fresh operating concessions in the mainland market under the latest stage of Cepa, with lawyers and travel agents the biggest winners.
29/6/06 The chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Jia Qinglin, urged Hong Kong people to focus their energies on economic development and set aside their differences.
28/6/06 The visiting head of China's top advisory body, Jia Qinglin, praised the achievements of the Hong Kong people and Donald Tsang's administration. Mr Jia said he hoped to gain a better understanding of CEPA's implementation and ways of furthering mainland-Hong Kong economic cooperation.
正在本港訪問的政協主席賈慶林充分林肯定港人的成就及曾蔭權的工作。賈慶林希望更了解緊 密經貿關係安排及促進內地與港的經濟合作。
27/6/06 A 65 year-old hawker drowned after jumping into a river in Tin Shui Wai while trying to escape from food and environmental hygiene officers who were chasing him. A witness said the officers stood by and did nothing as the victim struggled in the water.
26/6/06 A 54-year old hiker was airlifted to hospital by a Government Flying Services helicopter after falling 20-metres down a stream near Nam Chung where two other serious accidents have occurred in recent years.

Anson Chan Fang On-sang will be taking to the streets on July 1 to fight for full democracy. Mrs Chan said full democracy and one-man one-vote were the way forward for building a harmonious society as well as the best governing approach.
陳方安生將會參與「七.一」遊行以爭取民主。 陳方安生認為,民主與普選是最能夠建立和諧社會的方法,亦是最佳的管治方法。

24/6/06 The Legislative Council's finance committee endorsed a government funding request for five-point-two billion dollars to build a new headquarters and a Legco complex at the Tamar site. The application was approved by a vote of 40 to 10. Construction is scheduled for completion by late 2010.
立法會財委會以 40票贊成,10票反對,通過撥款約52億元,興建添馬艦政府新總部及立法會大樓。添馬艦工程將會在2010年底完成。
23/6/06 A half-naked prostitute was strangled in a one-woman brothel in Cheung Sha Wan before the flat was torched yesterday.
22/6/06 The Government has given an undertaking that no reclamation will be involved in the redevelopment of the site at the old Kai Tak airport. Under proposed plans, the site will have a number of facilities, including a cruise terminal, a multi-purpose stadium and several housing units.
21/6/06 Hong Kong has been ranked twenty-fifth in a survey of politeness in thirty-five major cities. The study found that only one in two shopkeepers here thanked customers, with less than half of people holding open doors for others.

The jobless rate fell to an almost five-year low in May. It dropped from 5.1 percent to 4.9 percent. Overall labour demand continued to increase because of the sustained revival in economic activity.

19/6/06 Bus drivers of the four bus companies will stage a work-to-rule industrial action today, after talks with management over a pay dispute failed to reach agreement. Union representatives are not ruling out further strikes in the short term.

Saturday's official opening of the Ngong Ping 360 cable car may be postponed after 500 passengers on a trial run were left stranded in mid-air for two hours yesterday.
500名 試坐昂坪360 纜車的乘客昨日被困在車廂兩小時多,星期六的正式啟用日或會延期。


The ICAC smashed a syndicate that allegedly staged traffic accidents to swindle insurance claims. The cases involved people who deliberately damaged their eyes.

16/6/06 The Broadcasting Authority fined Commercial Radio 140,000 dollars over a programme which asked listeners to vote for the female star they would most like to indecently assault. The station was also asked to broadcast a public apology.
15/6/06 In light of the suspected human case of avian influenza H5 in Shenzhen, the Government had communicated with Mainland authorities and formulated precautionary measures on the supply of live poultry and birds to Hong Kong. The measures would be taken once the case was confirmed.
14/6/06 The world renowned physicist Stephen Hawking said, “However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at. While there's life, there is hope.”
13/6/06 A veteran lawyer, a former listed company chairman and his lover were convicted of conspiring to pervert the course of justice in a high-profile case that followed raids by the Independent Commission Against Corruption on several newspaper offices.
12/6/06 About ten percent of primary school students interviewed for a survey say they would gamble on World Cup matches. Forty percent of those who responded said they would not miss out on matches, even though they were facing exams.

Radio host, Sammy Leung, agreed to stop teaching at the School of Journalism and Communication of the Chinese University in the coming semester. The school said the internet poll, which asked listeners to vote for female artists they would most like to indecently assault, adversely affected young people and went against social values.


Thunderstorms and heavy rain lashed Hong Kong yesterday. The amber, red and black rainstorm warnings were hoisted in quick succession, causing flooding and disruption of transport and suspension of schools. According to the Observatory, there is more rain on the way.
香港昨日受 雷暴及暴雨 打擊 。黃雨、紅雨及黑雨暴雨警告訊號先後 掛起 ,造成水浸、交通 混亂及停課 。天文台預計再有雨。

9/6/06 Air pollution is costing Hong Kong over 1,600 lives and at least $2 billion a year, according to a study. Experts have called on the government to review and tighten air quality guidelines to help ease Hong Kong's worsening air pollution.
8/6/06 Watching World Cup can be harmful to your health, medical experts have warned. Sleep deprivation, sitting in a poor posture, and a fatty diet are just some of the risks of watching the World Cup.
7/6/06 A man armed with a gun and hatchet has been overpowered by four passers-by as he tried to rob a woman in Sheung Wan. Police praised the men for showing remarkable courage in coming to the woman's aid.
6/6/06 The hosts of a Commercial Radio programme that invited listeners to take part in an on-line poll to choose a top female artist they would most like to indecently assault, apologised. The internet poll has been described as insulting and degrading to women.
5/6/06 Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam-kuen denied having attended a pro-democracy concert in 1989. Mr. Trsang bumped into chairman of the Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements Szeto Wah outside the restaurant and they had a brief conversation.

The Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology, Joseph Wong, has urged the public not to use illegal decoders or websites to watch World Cup football broadcasts. And the administration will step up measures to combat the sale of such products.
工商及科技局長王永平 力勸市民 在世界盃期間,不要以非法下載方式,或者以非法解碼器收看賽事。局方會加強打擊售賣非法解碼器。


Torrential rain lashed the territory yesterday causing flooding, disrupting traffic and closing schools. More than 100 millimetres of rainfall has been recorded in parts of the territory which forced the issuing of the red rainstorm warning.
香港昨天受暴雨打擊 ,引致水浸,交通混亂,學校停課。部份地區錄得 100毫米的大雨,天文台發出紅色暴雨警告信號。

2/6/06 Police are investigating whether three men deliberately crashed a car into a petrol station in Wong Tai Sin to claim money from insurance the government’s traffic accident fund, or whether they were trying to cover up the fact that the driver had been drinking.
1/6/06 The so-called Bus Uncle has been identified as a 51-year old unemployed man who made three failed bids for the chief executive post. The Bus Young Man who was scolded by Bus Uncle wanted the laughable saga to die down.

A surveying firm founded by the chairman of the Housing Society, David Lee, has been liquidated due to financial problems stemming from a commercial dispute.
房屋協會主席李頌熹創辦的一間測量師公司 , 因商業糾紛, 清盤結業。

30/5/06 The family members of a deceased police sergeant Hon Sum, who allegedly accumulated a fortune through corruption, has agreed to hand over 140-million dollars in assets to the government in an out-of-court settlement
29/5/06 The Planning Department has unveiled its outline design for the Central harbour front Tamar development. The 11-hectare site for the government's proposed new headquarters includes lawns, a promenade, an amphitheatre, outdoor forums and a landscaped deck area.

A survey has revealed that local nurses are stressed out and unhappy due to overwork. Eighty percent of the nurses surveyed complained of understaffing.
一項調查發現,由於人手不足及工作吃力 ,八成受訪護士認為工作不開心及壓力大。


The sole survivor of the Tsim Sha Tsui police shoot-out Sin Ka-keung was released from hospital yesterday. He spoke for the first time about the pain and wounds that had not healed. He was haunted by what happened.

26/5/06 The cable car between Tung Chung and the giant Buddha will open to the public on June the 24th. Visitors can purchase tickets in advance from next week - through MTR stations, travel agents and the internet.
25/5/06 Police are planning to crackdown on drink drivers during the forthcoming World Cup football tournament. This follows a 15 percent jump in the number of drink driving prosecutions in the first quarter of this year, compared to the same period last year.
24/5/06 The government has reported strong first quarter growth of 8.2 percent. However, the government economist, K-C Kwok, said the growth target for the full year would be maintained at four to five percent, given the wide range of uncertainties.

The government has warned it will prosecute anyone found littering in the newly opened Hong Kong Wetland Park in Tin Shui Wai. Park officials said they would consider banning the public from taking food into the park in future.
政府警告,在濕地公園丟棄垃圾,可被檢控。公園高層職員表示,會考慮 禁止遊人在園內進食。


Around a hundred public housing residents have staged a protest at the Housing Authority Headquarters in Ho Man Tin to call for an across-the-board rent cut. The demonstrators accused the Government of breaking its promise to ease the plight of poor residents.
一百多名公屋居民到房委會總部請願,要求全面減租。請願人士指責政府房違反承諾,未有 減輕貧窮居民的境況 。

21/5/06 A survey of six thousand youngsters has found that twenty percent of them admit to being internet addicts - logging on for more than 4 hours a day. And, another 30 percent believe there's a chance they'll also become addicted.
調查發現,受訪的六千名青少年中,有兩成人表示,自己上網成癮 -上網時間每日超出四小時。另外,有近三成受訪者認為自己有機會是上網成癮。

The Chief Executive officiated at the opening ceremony of the Hong Kong Wetland Park . HKWP is the first major green tourism facility in Hong Kong . It aims to promote green tourism and education on environmental protection, as well as wetland conservation.

19/5/06 Donald Tsang Yam-kuen launched his fiercest attack yet on opposition parties, accusing them of undermining his government's authority and warning the public would turn against those who "oppose for opposition's sake".
18/5/06 The police plan to apply for a protection order for a 10-year-old boy, who has been detained after chopping his mother for not being able to play computer games. The boy has had three previous records of attacking his mother.
17/5/06 Results of tests by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department on 31 rice dumpling samples were all found to be satisfactory. The use of chemicals was not found and there was no cause for undue alarm.
16/5/06 Typhoon Chanchu, the strongest storm ever to enter the South China Sea in May, moved within 800km of Hong Kong last night, prompting the Observatory to issue the No1 standby signal at 9.40pm.
15/5/06 The Hong Kong Jockey Club yesterday suspended betting on the outcome of Italy's Serie A soccer championship in response to allegations of match-fixing.


The Secretary for the environment, transport and works Sarah Liao has said public will reap all the benefits of the merger of Hong Kong 's two rail operators. She said only by merging could they avoid duplication of routes and services.


An investigation by New World First Ferry is underway into an incident in which one of its vessels ran aground on rocks at the entrance to Silvermine Bay on Lantau Island .

12/5/06 The Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology, Mr Joseph WP Wong urged young people to stay away from any Internet piracy activities. The Customs cracked a case in which songs were provided for free download without the authorisation of copyright owners.

Hong Kong Customs made the largest seizure of elephant tusks in the past 20 years. A total of 3.9 tons of unmanifested elephant tusks, worth about $8 million, were seized in Kwai Chung.
香港海關在葵涌檢獲 3.9 公噸未列艙單象牙,約值 800 萬元,是近二十年以來檢獲最大數量。


A court has ordered four internet service providers to reveal the names and addresses of account holders who are suspected of using Bit Torrent software to share movie files. It will act as a deterrent to privacy offenders.
法庭頒令四間互聯網供應商,需交出多名涉嫌以 BT方式,非法上下載電影的客戶資料。 今次行動能對侵犯版權者產生阻嚇作用。


The Labour Day “gold week” saw the arrival of 387,615 mainland visitors to Hong Kong . This was an increase of almost 5.2 per cent on the same period last year, but the tally is considered to fall short of forecasts.
今年「五 . 一」黃金周訪港內地旅客有三十八萬多人,比去年同期增加 5.2% ,但低於預期。


More than 100 van drivers held a slow-drive protest against moves to stop them from operating to and from the airport. The Transport Department urged van operators to express their views in a rational manner, and not to resort to any action that would inconvenience the public.
一百多輛客貨車慢駛,抗議當局禁止客貨車在機場載客。運輸署呼籲業界 能理性提出意見,避免採取令市民不便的行動。


The Examinations Authority said it had received 98 complaints into the form 5 HKCEE English Language exam(Syllabus B), with many students suspected of having logged on to the internet via their mobile phones whilst in the toilet.
考評局收到 98 宗投訴, 指會考英文科課程乙的試卷,懷疑有考生到洗手間用手機上網作弊。


Tens of thousands of people arrived in Cheung Chau for the island's parade and annual Bun Scrambling Competition.
數以萬計的人前往長洲,觀賞飄色巡遊 行及搶包山比賽 。


The former chairman of the DAB, Tsang Yok-sing, has denied that the pro-Beijing camp is mounting a smear campaign against the former Chief Secretary, Anson Chan, to prevent her from running in next year's election for Chief Executive.
民建聯前主席曾鈺成否認親北京派抹黑前政務司司長陳方安生,意圖阻止陳太參選下屆特首 。


A report put together by KCRC found that sections of the track had minute undulations which contributed to the fractures in the undercarriage of many trains. Several remedial measures will be planned - including track replacement.
九鐵發表車底組件裂紋報告,認為部份路段的路軌不平,引致問題。 九鐵會計劃一系列補救措施,包括更換路軌。

3/5/06 The total tax and duty revenue received for the 2005-2006 financial year was a record high of 145 billion dollars- a 14 percent increase on the previous year as Hong Kong's buoyant economy helped inflate corporate profits and boost wages.
2/5/06 In Hong Kong, several thousand demonstrators marked Labor Day by marching from Victoria Park to Central to demand better treatment of workers. They say workers are still laboring for low wages and for long hours, despite the economic rebound.

About two dozen unionists staged a protest to call for the immediate setting up of a minimum wage and maximum working hours.

30/4/06 The government announced a 14-billion dollar surplus for the last financial year. That's almost 10-billion dollars better than the 4.1 billion dollar surplus forecast in the 2006-07 Budget.
政府宣布稅收大幅增加,剛過去的財政年度,政府盈餘有 140億元,較預算案的預測,大幅增加近一百億元。
29/4/06 The Housing Authority has announced a programme to sell off its more than 16,000 unsold subsidised flats. And it pledges to avoid flooding the property market with supply.
28/4/06 A booming economy and a series of successful anti-suicide initiatives has seen the number of people taking their own lives in Hong Kong drops by 18 per cent to its lowest level in two decades.
27/4/06 RTHK's director has been given 3 months to explain how it will respond to the criticisms of the audit. The Audit Commission report highlighted poor financial controls and a "culture of non- compliance at RTHK.
26/4/06 Seventeen Hong Kong people evacuated from the Solomon Islands following anti-Chinese riots have returned to the territory. They were granted special visa-free entry.
25/4/06 Legislators worry about a lack of measures to stop smokers on the MTR Corp's Lantau cable-car line starting hill fires by discarding cigarettes. But the operator insists precautions are adequate.
24/4/06 The KCRC is to get tougher on passengers who jump onto its tracks, with offenders facing up to six months in jail and a $5000 fine instead of the usual verbal warning.

RTHK's director of broadcasting, Chu pui-hing, says he won't respond to media speculation that the Audit Commission is going to publish a report next Wednesday critical of the broadcaster's management.


The first batch of 132 marriage celebrants was appointed. Marrying couples may engage a civil celebrant to celebrate their marriage anytime anywhere in Hong Kong.

21/4/06 The government is to establish a voluntary registration system to monitor local farms. This follows the discovery that vegetables from some of the farms contained excessive levels of pesticide.
20/4/06 The Medical Council suspended a gyneacologist for five years after finding him guilty of professional misconduct for performing an illegal abortion on a woman who later died.
19/4/06 The Government welcomed Standard & Poor's decision to upgrade its foreign currency and local currency rating outlooks on Hong Kong from "stable" to "positive".

The environmental group, Greenpeace, says tests on vegetables sold at Hongkong's two major supermarket chains have found that 30 percent of them contained excessive amounts of pesticide. Greenpeace urged the supermarkets to tighten up monitoring procedures.


Cargo throughput at the airport rose 10% in March - setting a new monthly record. It was fuelled by a strong rebound in air traffic after the Lunar New Year holiday; and by the continuously robust demand from major markets.


More than a thousand retail outlets participated in a "No Plastic Day". The organizers of the event - the Green Student council – said many citizens bring along their own shopping bags.
有 1,200間商舖響應「無膠袋日」,綠色學生聯會表示,不少市民購物時,都自備購物袋。


More than 1,000 retail outlets join "No Plastic Bag Day" today. To get a plastic bag, citizens have to contribute 50 cents to Oxfam Hong Kong .
今天是「無膠袋日」,全港超過一千間零售店參加。每索取 1 個膠袋,市民就要捐 5 角給樂施會 。

14/4/06 At least 53 women suffered from complications after injecting a chemical substance called PAAG for breast enlargement .
有至少有 53 名女性在注射 一種化合物質--「 PAAG 」來隆胸 後,出現不同的後遺症。
13/4/06 A total of eight Government departments are joining hands to help residents of Wai King Building and victims following an explosion in Jordan Valley North Road.

With the merger of the Mass Transit Railway Corporation, and the Kowloon Canton Railway Corporation, passengers will enjoy fare cuts of up to 18 percent. The MTR Corp may end up spending about HK$120 billion to lease the assets of KCR Corp for the next 50 years.
地鐵與九鐵合併後,乘客可享有高至一成八的票價優惠。地鐵會支付約 120億元,換取九鐵50年資產租用權。


A leading Beijing neurosurgeon, Ling Feng arrived in Hong Kong . On her arrival, Dr Ling immediately went to the Kwong Wah hospital to see how she could help Constable Jacky Chu, who remains paralysed after a knife attack last July.


The Union representing Hong Kong Disneyland staff has accused management of imposing harsh working conditions on its character performers and they are being paid low salaries for the gruelling work they do.
香港迪士尼樂園職工會向管理層提出控訴,指樂園 扮演卡通人物的員工工作環境苛刻 ,工作累人,而待遇低 。

9/4/06 Police evacuated residents from two residential buildings, as bomb-disposal experts detonated some of the 500 suspected wartime explosive devices unearthed at a construction site in Cheung Sha Wan.
長沙灣的一個地盤挖掘出戰時遺留下來的炸彈超過 500件。警方疏散附近兩座大廈的居民, 爆炸品專家引爆部份爆炸品。
8/4/06 Customs officers cracked a case involving the sale of counterfeit canned luncheon meat and preserved vegetables. The counterfeit goods were priced lower than genuine products but did not contain substances harmful to people.
7/4/06 The Airport Authority has proposed the setting up of a designated loading and unloading area for light goods vehicles. This comes in response to taxi drivers who claimed that their business has been undermined by unlicensed passenger carrying vans.
6/4/06 Premier Wen Jiabao dismissed suggestions that Hong Kong could be marginalised in face of the rapid development in China . The premier urged Hong Kong people to strengthen themselves saying the territory's future depend on them.

Police constable Tsang Kwok-hang who was killed in last month's Tsim Sha Tsui shootout, was given a police funeral with full honours. Top officials and lawmakers pay respect to the late constable.


There has been a sharp rise in the amount of salaries tax paid to the government in the past fiscal year, with the top taxpayer handing over 101-million dollars. The government noted that more money was collected as business performance and the labour market improved.


A survey conducted by Women Teachers' Organisation shows that eighty-five percent of people responding to the survey have backed a proposal for the government to subsidise the education of kindergarten children.


The Secretary for Education and Manpower, Arthur Li, says the government is planning to conduct a full review on early childhood education. Dr Li said the government's primary concern is to improve the quality of teaching, and other matters such as funding, were secondary.


Some 50 people have protested outside the Japanese consulate, about changes to Japanese history and geography textbooks,. They urged the Japanese government not to distort the truth.

31/3/06 A think-tank headed by the Chief Executive, has warned that Hong Kong is increasingly lagging behind other countries in economic growth.
30/3/06 Hopes that interest rate rises may be near their peak are wishful thinking, Monetary Authority chief Joseph Yam Chi-kwong warned yesterday.

The wife of a retired High Court judge, accused of welfare fraud, asked a magistrate to permanently halt the proceedings against her as she's mentally unfit to stand trial.

28/3/06 Nine former employees of seven financial institutions were charged by the ICAC with giving confidential customer information to a debt collection syndicate.
27/3/06 The Permanent Secretary for Housing Planning and Lands Thomas Chan hit out at dozens of angry residents who prevented the Secretary for Housing Michael Suen from listening to other views.

Speaking at a passing out parade, the Justice Secretary Wong Yan-lung said Hong Kong had been saddened by the death of Constable Tsang and hoped that his professionalism and courage would provide a boost to colleagues as they worked to maintain law and order.


Law Reform Commission has proposed making it a crime to infringe privacy by trespassing or using spying devices on private property to get personal information.

24/3/06 Two workers have been blamed for a body mix-up at the Fu Shan Public Mortuary and now face disciplinary action. An independent committee also faulted management for failing to oversee their staff.
23/3/06 The new chief James Blake executive of the troubled Kowloon Canton Railway Corporation started work yesterday morning with a promise to boost morale.

A study on the nutrient values of congee, rice and noodle dishes showed that the calcium content of these foods was generally low while the sodium content was on the high side.  

21/3/06 Police believe the off-duty officer at the centre of last Friday's Tsim Shui Tsui shootout was acting alone. Police believe the shooting was premeditated, and the suspect's aim was to seize the handguns of the two uniformed officers.

The Article 45 Concern Group formally announced the setting up of a new political party called the Civic Party. Lawmaker, Audrey Eu, becomes the party leader while Professor Kwan Hsin-chin takes up the post of chairman.

19/3/06 The bereaved family of an elderly man has demanded compensation for the emotional distress suffered following a mix-up of bodies at Fu Shan Public Mortuary. The man's body was wrongly cremated by another family.

An off-duty policeman killed a constable and seriously wounded another in Tsim Sha Tsui with a gun stolen from and used to kill an officer five years ago. Police are continuing to investigate the motives.

17/3/06 The KCRC management crisis took another dramatic turn when acting chief executive Samuel Lai Man-hay announced his resignation - and the government quickly found his replacement. The KCRC board sacked marketing general manager Michael Lai and issued written warnings to 19 other senior executives.

The Consumer Council says tests have found that preserved duck eggs available in markets are safe to eat, and normal consumption of such eggs would not harm human health.

15/3/06 The KCRC board has reached a consensus on the dispute between its chairman and acting chief executive. 23 company managers staged a public show of support for acting chief executive Samuel Lai Man-hay in his feud with chairman Michael Tien Puk-sun.
九鐵管理局在處理主席田北辰與處理行政總裁紛爭上達至共識。 23經理現身會議場地「力撐」署理行政總裁黎文熹。
14/3/06 The board of the KCRC will hold an emergency meeting today in a bid to find a solution to the dispute between the corporation's chairman and acting chief executive. The government remains undecided on whether Mr Tien's resignation will be accepted.
13/3/06 KCRC chairman Michael Tien Puk-sun says he made his decision to resign after a sleepless night, although he stands firm behind his belief in a more transparent company culture and the introduction of an accountability system.

The KCRC's Acting Chief Executive, Samuel Lai, has written to the railway's board expressing concern about how the Corporation is being run under its chairman, Michael Tien. About 4000 employees have signed a petition endorsing Mr Lai's comments.
九鐵署理行政總裁黎文熹去信九鐵管理局, 就主席田北辰管治問題表達關注。已有 4000多個員工簽名支持黎文熹的評論。

11/3/06 Police technology crime experts have launched an investigation into how personal details of thousands of people who lodged complaints against the force, became available on an internet website.
10/3/06 The Housing Authority will launch a three-month public consultation on the review of its domestic rent policy. The suggestions include introducing flexible rents based on such factors as the location of flats and tenants incomes.
9/3/06 A former chief superintendent of the force's Organised Crime and Triad Bureau was found unconscious in a house in Taipo. Police suspect he attempted to take his own life by burning charcoal.
8/3/06 The government is expected to launch the first phase of a five-day working week for civil servants in July. About 50 thousand civil servants will benefit from the first phase. But some civil servants will be the last to join the scheme, to minimise any inconvenience to the public.
7/3/06 John Fang vehemently denied suggestions that he ordered the killing of model Annie Pang. The denial came during intense questioning at the inquest into Ms Pang's death.
6/3/06 The mainland has suspended the supply of live chickens and pet birds to Hong Kong for three weeks after confirmation of a fatal human infection of bird flu in Guangzhou. The government is to step up inspection and monitoring of hygiene conditions in all local farms.

Research into the status of women and girls in Hong Kong has found that few of them hold leadership positions. Women are also lagging well behind in the fields of politics, employment, professions and even church positions.


A survivor of the Asian tsunami disaster was convicted of obtaining welfare payments by deception. Leung Wai-kei started receiving the single parent allowance after claiming she had lost contact with her husband. But it was later revealed that they had gone on holiday together.
一名南亞海嘯生還者,騙取綜援,罪名成立。 梁惠淇向社會福利署訛稱丈夫失蹤,開始領取單親津貼,其後被揭發與丈夫外遊 。

3/3/06 The brother of the former Chief Secretary, Anson Chan, failed to attend an inquest over the death of model Annie Pang. The coroner warned that he would exercise his power to compel him to testify, if John Fang fails to show up.
2/3/06 Over 200 taxi drivers staged a slow-drive protest in Central against illegal transport operators who are affecting their business. The protest caused traffic congestion on Garden Road.
1/3/06 The number of new residential flats built last year dropped by one thirds to just about 17-thousand units - the lowest level since 1997. It is expected that public confidence in the property market will revive.
28/2/06 The government announced nine measures to help ease teachers' workload. They include turning some one thousand contract jobs into permanent positions and improving the ratio between teachers and students.
27/2/06 An environmental concern group, Green Sense, has urged newspaper readers to reject the free distribution of plastic bags and packs of tissue when they make their daily purchases. It is estimated that more than 900-thousand plastic items end up in landfills every day.

The Financial Secretary, Henry Tang, said that given that uncertain factors, such as bird flu and oil prices, the government had to be careful with its books. He said it was too much to interpret his Chinese New Year blessings -- "May your wishes come true" -- as a hint for tax cuts.


The government has rejected requests from residents of Shamshuipo to wipe out the entire crow population in the area so as to prevent the spread of the deadly H5N1 virus.
政府拒絕 深水步區居民要求,杜絕區內所有家鴉,以免牠們散播致命禽流感病毒。

24/2/06 The Foreign Ministry warned Hong Kong's Catholic leader Joseph Zen Ze-kiun not to interfere in politics, a day after he was named cardinal.
23/2/06 Major political parties expressed disappointment at the budget, saying it was too conservative. Financial Secretary Henry Tang Ying-yen cautioned against lavish spending for the sake of winning short-term applause.

Major political parties have welcomed the government's decision to re-consult the public on the West Kowloon cultural district project. The Chief Secretary said the controversial canopy was no longer a requirement for the project.
多個政黨歡迎政府重新諮詢公眾對西九計劃的意見。 政務司司長 認為天篷設計不 再是西九龍計劃所需的。


An inquest has opened to look into the death of model Annie Pang, whose skeleton was found inside a flat owned by John Fang - the brother of former chief secretary Anson Chan. The inquest is being heard before a five-member jury - comprising four women and one man.
彭楚盈死因聆訊今日展開, 死因庭選出四女一男陪審團 。彭楚盈的 骸骨被 發現死於前政務司兄方曼生名下一個單位內。


A Hong Kong produced movie - "Isabella" - picked up the Silver Bear award for best film music at the Berlin Film Festival. It is an honour to Hong Kong .
香港電影《伊莎貝拉》在柏林影展獲得最佳電影音樂銀熊獎 ,為香港爭光 。


The Housing Authority is to help pay more than 6 million dollars in wage arrears to about 300 workers of Dickson Construction. Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands, Thomas Chan, said it was a discretionary decision to help workers ride out their financial difficulties.

18/2/06 A former senior ICAC investigator has been jailed for fifteen months after pleading guilty to cheating on sick leave. The accused initially contested the case, but he judge turned down her request to have the case thrown out.
廉政公署前高級調查員,承認騙病假的控罪,判監 15個月。被告早前申請終止聆訊 ,被法官拒絕。
17/2/06 A ten-year-old boy was found unconscious inside a suitcase in Wanchai. Police arrested the parents on suspicion of child abuse.
16/2/06 HSBC announced a mortgage promotion in which new customers get a loan rate of 5 percent. The move will intensify competition for homebuyers’ business and started a price war.
15/2/06 The International Monetary Fund gave Hong Kong an economic thumbs-up yesterday, predicting a return to a balanced budget this year, growth in line with government estimates and a sharp fall in the jobless rate to below 4 per cent.
14/2/06 More than eighty chickens, ducks and geese were confiscated in the New Territories, as the government began enforcing a new law banning backyard poultry farming to combat bird flu. And some owners are still reluctant to give up their birds.
13/2/06 Twenty-two people were sent to hospital yesterday, two remaining in critical condition, after taking part in Hong Kong's biggest marathon amid the worst air pollution since September.

Three senior executives of a cleaning company were jailed for between ten and 15 months for fraud. The company obtained the full amount from the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, but paid its workers much less than the amount it had promised them.


Yesterday marked the tenth anniversary of the tragic Pat Sin Leng fire. Fung Yiu King Memorial School held a special memorial to remember those teachers who had sacrificed their lives for others.
昨天是八仙嶺山火 10 周年,馮堯敬紀念中學舉行紀念活動,悼念在八仙嶺山火中捨身救人的老師。

10/2/06 A judge ruled that covert surveillance operations conducted in Hong Kong have no valid legal basis, but gave the government six months to rectify the situation.
9/2/06 The authorities were tightening up anti-bird flu measures as a dead bird found in Diocesan Boys' School in Mongkok was suspected of having the H5 strain of bird flu.
8/2/06 The government says that a dead chicken found in Tuen Mun is suspected of having been infected with avian flu. The government has urged any local residents, who develop flu-like symptoms after contact with chickens, to seek immediate treatment.
7/2/06 Figures show the number of mortgages in negative equity in the final quarter of 2005 was up by two thousand from the previous quarter. The rise of interest rates over the past year is putting renewed pressure on property owners.
6/2/06 The Chief Executive, Donald Tsang, says he is not confident of being able to improve ties between the pro-democracy camp and Beijing. Mr. Tsang admitted he had been naive in thinking he could help the two sides to bridge their differences.

A Common Magpie found in Sham Tseng indicated a suspected case of H5 avian influenza. No abnormal mortality or symptoms of avian influenza was detected among the chicken flocks upon inspection in a nearby chicken farm.
一隻在深井撿獲的喜鵲懷疑帶有 H5 禽流感病毒。一個在附近的雞場,並無發現雞隻異常死亡或有任何禽流感症狀。


Disneyland apologised for the chaos during Chinese New Year which led to many ticket-holders being refused admission and pledged the theme park would do its best to avoid a repeat during future holidays.


In light of identification of H5N1 in a smuggled chicken kept in a domestic household and the increasing incidents of avian influenza outbreaks on the Mainland and other parts of the world, the Government would amend relevant legislation to ban household poultry-keeping.


Tycoon Li Ka-shing visited the tomb of his wife and warned the tomb raiders that they would suffer bad karma. Police said the tomb raider fled empty-handed.

1/2/06 14 Hong Kong tourists were killed and 30 wounded when their coach ran off a highway in southern Egypt and rolled over. The trip, arranged by the Jet Tour agency, set off last Friday for what was to have been a 10-day visit.
本港一個旅行團乘坐的旅遊車,在埃及南部一條公路翻側,至少 14名港人死亡,30人受傷。出事的旅行團屬於捷旅假期,在上星期五出發,行程十日。

18 people are suffering from suspected food poisoning after consuming traditional basin meals. Initial investigations found that bacterial contamination is the likely cause of the outbreak.


Tests have confirmed that a dead bird found in Sha Tau Kok three days ago was infected with the H5N1 virus.
沙頭角三天前發現的鵲鴝屍體,證實帶有 H5N1 禽流感病毒。

29/1/06 The Chief Executive, Donald Tsang, called for building a more harmonious and caring society in his Lunar New Year message.
28/1/06 A government-appointed committee will come up with suggestions of reducing the stress of teachers. However, no school teachers have actually been appointed to the seven-member committee. Its chairman, Edmond Ko, pledged to attach great importance to their views.
27/1/06 The High Court has ordered four Internet service providers to hand over the names of 22 people accused of uploading copyrighted music to Web sites. The move paved the way for legal action against the 22 suspects.
高等法院頒令 4家互聯網服務供應商,須要提供22個涉嫌上載未經授權歌曲的網民姓名。
26/1/06 The director of public prosecutions decided not to prosecute former high court judge Michael Wong for allegedly making improper application for reimbursement of leisure travel because there was little chance of securing a conviction.
前高等法院法官王見秋被指不當地向政府申請發放度假旅費津貼。刑事檢控專員決定不起訴王 見秋,理由是控方掌握的證據不足以構成定罪的合理機會。
25/1/06 The Chief Executive, Donald Tsang, announced a Cabinet reshuffle. Major political parties welcomed the new cabinet but they expressed reservations that John Tsang could improve ties between the government and the legislature.
24/1/06 The government has come up with a compromise proposal on the introduction of a smoking ban. From January 1st 2007, smoking will be banned in offices, restaurants, snooker halls and karaokes. From July 2009, the ban will be extended to mahjong parlours, saunas and night clubs, and bars.
23/1/06 About ten thousand people staged a protest demanding the government to reduce the workload of teachers and slow down the pace of education reforms.
約有一萬人參加抗議遊行 ,要求政府減輕教師工作量及減慢教改 進度 。

The Hospital Authority says the fees being charged by public hospitals should be increased. This would help reduce the Authority's financial deficit and change the way the public seeks treatment.
醫院管理局表示,應該提高 公共醫療服務收費 。這會改善醫院管財赤和濫用醫療服務。


The government is planning to legislate against unsolicited electronic messages, or spam.
政府計劃立法打擊濫發電子信息 ( 垃圾郵件 ) 。

20/1/06 An Oriental Magpie Robin found dead in Kam Shan Tsuen, Tai Po was confirmed to be H5N1 positive. But government officials say the discovery is no reason to fear an outbreak of the deadly virus is any nearer.
19/1/06 Lawmakers have endorsed a motion calling on the government to come up with effective measures to reduce the workload and pressure on teachers. Some urged a review of the pace of education reform while others wanted some of the measures shelved.
18/1/06 The Chief Executive appointed a 7-member independent committee to review public broadcasting policy in Hong Kong. But legislators expressed concerns that it would be used as a way to curb the funding and autonomy of the broadcaster.
17/1/06 More than 17 education groups had a meeting with the Permanent Secretary for Education, Fanny Law. The government had agreed to consider extending the deadline for teachers to pass the language benchmark test and extending the early retirement scheme for primary school teachers.
16/1/06 A study has found that around 10 percent of people in Hong Kong suffer from depression. The trend for school teachers appears to be worsening. Some teachers were reluctant to seek help for fear of portraying a bad image.

91 samples of festive foods for the Lunar New Year including puddings, sesame balls, sweetened dried fruits, melon seeds, preserved meat and dried seafood were all found to be satisfactory. The only failed sample was a preserved Chinese sausage.


According to a study by the Chinese University , almost 50 per cent of full-time workers take part in anti-productive behaviour at work. This includes using company equipment for personal use, stealing from colleagues, and forging receipts.

13/1/06 The chief executive, Donald Tsang, announced that a five-day working week would be introduced for civil servants from July. But the unexpected policy shift drew criticism from the business sector.
12/1/06 To relieve the workload of school teachers, the government will dramatically increase the school grant. An independent committee will also be set up to explore ways of relieving teachers' workloads. And a hotline will be introduced for teaching staff.
11/1/06 The government's revised agreement with bus companies on fare concessions has been greeted with disappointment. From next month, there will be a five to ten percent reduction in fares on return bus journeys which cost ten dollars or mores.
10/1/06 The Chief Justice, Andrew Li, said society should look to the government and the legislative council, rather than judicial reviews for answers to political, economic and social problems.
9/1/06 Thousands of people marched from Chater Garden to the Central Government Offices to demand tougher penalties for cruelty to animals and care for animals.

The Health Department has warned the public not to take a Chinese medicine, called Bak Foong Pill. It says laboratory tests have revealed that the pills contain excessive levels of lead. Lead poisoning can adversely affect the nervous system or even lead to death.

7/1/06 Financial Secretary Henry Tang said he would seek to "share the benefits of the recovery" with taxpayers but stressed the government must "strike the right balance" to sustain the city's economic health.
6/1/06 Hong Kong mountaineer Chung kin-man has made history by becoming one of the 7 people on earth who have completed the so-called "7+2" challenge - conquered the world's seven highest summits and the two poles.
5/1/06 Police smashed a gambling fraud syndicate following the arrest of 23 persons. The syndicate lured housewives to play poker and cheated them of their money. They are believed to have made a turnover of up to forty thousand dollars per day.
4/1/06 A senior field officer of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department died after falling off a slope in Lantau North. The officer was carrying out site inspection for tree planting when the incident occurred.

The Executive Director of the Travel Industry Council, Joseph Tung, called on the government to speed up its plans to build a new cruise terminal at Kai Tak to boost tourist arrivals.


A record number of almost 2,500 kicked off the New Year in a healthy fashion at the annual winter swimming gala at Repulse Bay .
以健康的方式開始新的一年。一年一度的元旦冬泳在淺水灣舉行,吸引破紀錄近 2500 人參加。


Hong Kong welcomed the new year, with fireworks setting off from 20 buildings around Victoria Harbour and a countdown held in Times Square in Causeway Bay . 8300 people flocked to Lan Kwai Fong in celebration of the new year.
香港迎接新的一年, 幻彩激光從維港二十座 建築物發放 , 銅鑼灣時代廣場舉行倒數, 8300人蜂擁到中環蘭桂坊慶祝新年花 。